The title rhymes with "nonsense" for a reason.. Basically this is a loose collection of my ideas, thoughts, opinions, reaction to stuff I've read on the internet, stories, and pictures that caught my eye, opimions, etc. EST 2009
Monday, December 5, 2011
A Bowling We Will Go......
I'm sure there are just TONS of stories out there on the world wide web about this upcoming bowl season. Most I bet argue the need of a playoff system (I'd be one of them). Of course, to me the idea of a "Humanitarian Bowl" seems laughable for football. This year's roster of bowl games feature 4 games in which neither team has a winning record. None of the teams in the Dec 30th Music City Bowl, The Texas Bowl and the FIGHT HUNGER Bowl on Dec 31st. nor the Jan 2nd Gator Bowl have winning records. That's right, 8 teams this year will be rewarded for their mediocrity or losing records....
For a complete list to see who is going to play in the New Mexico Bowl, Belk Bow, The Pinstripe Bowl, The TicketCity bowl or my 2nd favorite behind the Fight Hunger Bowl, the BBVA Compass Bowl, go here. Or for the HTML impaired.
BTW, GO TARHEELS in the 2011 INDEPENDENCE BOWL!!!! December 12th! Beat the 7-5 Missouri Tigers!!
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Show Me Da Money!!!
Rick Perry = $18 million -- Mit Romney = (est) between $13-$18 million, Ron Paul (my boy) raised (est) $8 million, and my President raised $55 million - ALL DURING THE LAST 90 DAYS!!!! And these numbers are around the same as the PREVIOUS 3 month period. Of course the grand total in the coffers are much, much more than this. Now this is for a job, a job in power and prestige in which you can't really put a price tag on mind you, but a position that earns a $400,000 annual salary, along with a $50,000 annual expense account, a $100,000 non-taxable travel account and $19,000 for entertainment. (Wikipedia)
This is another example of the OBVIOUS irregularities being overlooked and "shell games" continuing politically all around us. Before last year's elections, the Democrats had a super majority AND the Presidency - basically able to do what they wanted when they wanted to- and yet, didn't do a thing. All the while appearing on TV and radio calling the Republican Party the "party of no" when the Republicans were impotent to do anything but filibuster. Same thing with the Republicans when "W" came to power. People just dismiss these things as "it's always been, it always will be - nothing we can do" and the like. They get together on talk radio or TV preaching and agreeing with each other to decry the way things are - yet nothing ever changes.Know-it-all talk show hosts say they don't want to take the pay cut or that they can do more where they're at speaking to thousands or millions. What if a few of our founding fathers thought this way? What if Ben Franklin or James Madison decided "Aw, to heck with creating and signing the constitution, I'm going to serve my country by hekping locally or teaching at a university instead of forging a new republic."
I understand I'm beginning to sound like one of those conspiracy-at-every-corner nut jobs. Truly, I want ot believe that even though we (America), seemingly at our lowest, are better than this. History doesn't bear me out on this. We're doing the same old things; making the same old mistakes. Am I wrong? In the future when we sit back and tell each other "See, I TOLD ya. I PREDICITED this would happen!", what then? What good is it to always be the one who predicts things to come, yet does nothing to affect the outcome or change?
BTW RIP Steve Jobs - regardless of what he became, he is an example of what can be done forming beginning a business in his parent's garage with little or no money
Barrack Obama,
Mitt Romney,
Rick Perry,
Ron Paul,
Rush Limbaugh,
Steve Jobs,
tea party
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Ranting Andy Rooney Style - But Not As Good
Not meaning to sound like ‘chicken little’, but at the very least, SOMETHING is up with the sky. Regardless of whether it’s the affect from a 24 / 7 news cycle or overwhelming negativity in all media, there’s no doubt something is happening. No matter how I or YOU or people we know, love, and are acquainted with personally are doing, things on a whole are getting tough. Call it what you will; “just the ways things are”, the much predicted “end of times” or “last days”. Be it the 2012 issue (which current Mayan ancestors are repeatedly saying does not necessarily mean the end of the world) or the global/ domestic economies, new self destructive drug crazes (‘bath salts’), or the nearly everyday stories about child death and abuse, life as we know it is rapidly changing. We’re now a world where there’s a huge outcry over humorous, smart-alecky t-shirts for kids reading “Too Beautiful for Homework” or “Allergic to Math” and these shirts are immediately removed from the store shelves.
For years we’ve been fed marketing and products high in “antioxidants” when there’s no real study or value as to the benefits of these ‘antioxidants’ to we humans; the only long term or real studies have been in rats and other animals. Look for a study; ANY study on antioxidants and their effect on humans.
The political machine seems destined to keep repeating the same mistakes over and over again. Lies and flip flops, long staples of politics, are much more obvious and evident then they were in the past; yet are dismissed or looked over. Often, it’s a kind of ‘slight of hand’ that occurs. Regardless of which political jersey (Democrat/Republican, left/right, liberal/conservative) you wear.
The “prepare for disaster/survival gear” market has also exploded. More and more people are purchasing durable foods, equipment, weapons, storage lockers, etc from websites like, I honestly don’t knock anyone who chooses to participate or prepare. If anything, these things will be handy in any type of temporary or long term emergency or inconvenience. Even I have some supplies stashed away for my wife, dogs and me in case we’re without power or water for a few days. The Travel Channel recently aired a program where for between $450k to $950k per person, you can be a part of a doomsday community where food, lodging, etc would be waiting for you in the event of cataclysm, 2012, whatever. I suppose I’d just have to perish when the robot warlords take over.
I can’t help but to feel like I’m being conned or scammed when I see and hear all these commercials beckoning me to buy or invest in gold or silver to ‘shore up my financial portfolio’. To me the pitchmen and/or women seem like car sales people to me. I feel like I’m being “set up”. Kind of like those commercials for online, do-it-yourself trading. Which I’ve done before back when I was first married. So the mystery and spell about them is a little less cloudy to me than these ‘gold n silver’ guys. Though investing in these and other precious metals isn’t a bad thing in my opinion. In the event of a survival doomsday, the ATM’s, water and power grids, any computer run anything will be rendered useless thanks to the EMP’s (electromagnetic pulse). Either EMP’s or whatever CERN creates or opens the door to. FTL my @$$!!! (Google CERN if ya don’t’ know what it is).
Personally, I have faith that while things can and probably will get worse before they get better, me and mine will do the best we can do and get by the best we can. I remember when I had to grow up a little earlier than others my age did and all the things I thought would be impossible to do or accomplish given my state of being at the time. I was then and am certainly now no one special. I didn’t have it no where NEAR as bad as many in the past, present, or future. I just have faith in myself and God. When the world ends and nothing’s left, that’s all we really have anyway whether you believe in a deity or not.
BTW- Michael Jackson is dead, Amanda Knox is at home, bath salts are THE SHIZZLE, now I can't buy lettuce again thanks to the latest recall- THANKS!I still want either a PS3 orXbox, and Kim Kardashian is kinda cute…. That’s CODE for the uninitiated…
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
KIND of a "Ha-Ha"
oh, the Onion....
CLEVELAND HEIGHTS, OH—Despite not having published a new comic strip since December 1995, cartoonist Bill Watterson has reportedly taken the time every day since to write, pencil, hand-ink, and, out of spite, destroy a new installment of Calvin And Hobbes. "Wow, this might be one of the best yet," Watterson said as he completed his 5,689th strip of the past 16 years and then immediately fed it into a paper shredder. "I bet my millions of fans would really love this whole new direction for Spaceman Spiff. Oh, well, fuck them." According to sources, Watterson also spends a portion of his time calling comic strip syndicates to discuss publishing new material, only to abruptly announce, "Actually, that's never gonna happen," and hang up the phone.
oh, the Onion....
Bill Watterson Writes, Illustrates, Shreds New 'Calvin And Hobbes' Strip Each Morning Out Of Spite
August 29, 2011 | ISSUE 47•35
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Friday, August 5, 2011
9/11 10th Anniversery --- Cha-CHING!
The 10 year anniversary of the September 2001 terror attacks is fast approaching. They hype is now in full swing. The business of reminding us all of things like 9-11 (along with the various cancers, homelessness, animal needs, etc. is providing needed jobs and other positive economic aspects. Many local churches and organizations are spending large sums of money to ensure we don’t forget anything about 9-11 or the sacrifices made by everyone associated with law enforcement, fire, or medical, or emergency medical response units on a daily basis by advertising remembrance services and events being held so we won’t forget the bravery and sacrifice of those who were killed, died, or otherwise affected by that tragic series of events.
I jokingly made a remark at work that I was surprised there weren’t any runs or walks scheduled locally to remind us of the tragic event or to make us aware of sacrifices people who work in fire, police, and EMS make on a daily basis. I received an email minutes later making me aware of such an event here on September 10th. Probably one of several.Like the seemingly endless runs, walks, biking events to remind us or make us aware of things like cancer, homelessness, animals in distress, etc., I suppose people need to be reminded of these things. What does this say about us as a nation? Has our attention span waned so much that SOMEONE out there forgets there are such ills and tragedies? You’d think that with the advent of the 24/7 news cycle, we wouldn’t forget things such as the aforementioned. But apparently, we do. Everyone deals with grief, anguish, and loss differently. I’ve noticed that the wording of these events are changing, which is good. They’re stepping away from terms like ”awareness”. After all, one of the top 5 ways to become a successful entrepreneur or small business owner is to form a “non-profit”organization. What’s wrong with that? Let’s walk, run, bike, give blood, etc. to honor our particular cause and causes til we can’t. Not only does it help with the cause or reminding someone of something forgot or aids in expressing or dealing with grief, it puts a few coins into some people’s pockets. Ain’t that America? ”. I say kudos to some of those making lemonade out of the lemons of life. Thouhg a nice lemon meringue pie would be a good alternative sometimes.
Monday, August 1, 2011
Obligatory Posting
ok, it's summer and I've not been posting much. Not that it being summer has anything to do with not posting anything. I'm just lazy.....
Detroit News, David Guralnick - The 1939 Plymouth Deluxe 6, also referred to as the "Ghost Car" because its chassis was constructed of plexiglass , is driven at the Inn at St. Johns in Plymouth, Mich. July …more 28, 2011. The see-through Pontiac built by General Motors for the 1939-40 New York World's Fair is going on the auction block this weekend. The car's Plexiglas body offers a view of its chrome, steel and iron innards. It also features white-colored rubber moldings and tires. (AP Photo/Detroit News, David Guralnick)
Detroit News, David Guralnick - The 1939 Plymouth Deluxe 6, also referred to as the "Ghost Car" because its chassis was constructed of plexiglass , is driven at the Inn at St. Johns in Plymouth, Mich. July …more 28, 2011. The see-through Pontiac built by General Motors for the 1939-40 New York World's Fair is going on the auction block this weekend. The car's Plexiglas body offers a view of its chrome, steel and iron innards. It also features white-colored rubber moldings and tires. (AP Photo/Detroit News, David Guralnick)
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Truly Inspirational...Worth Your Time
Usually, emails and blogs about inspiration; usually from dying or dead people, kinda fall flat to me. I get the sentiment, however, they unfortunately become repetetive to me and lose their meaning. The news of the death of former CNN sportscaster Nick Charles is one that touches me. I never really cared for Charles as a broadcaster but respected his talents as such and enjoyed his banter with Fred Hickman for many, many hours in the 80's. His life story is truly amazing and American. To me, his life with cancer, while tragic, is an example of how I wish I would act when or if the situation happens to me. As I get older, the Reaper seems to be visiting more and more people I'm aware of, know, or love. As Jean Luc once head, "I'm aware there are more days behind me than ahead". The below is one example of "how to go".
Renowned CNN sports broadcaster Nick Charles dies at 64
By Wayne Drash, CNN
June 25, 2011 2:38 p.m. EDT
(CNN) -- Nick Charles, who started off as a taxi driver and later became the first sports anchor at CNN, died Saturday after battling bladder cancer since 2009. He was 64.
Charles died peacefully, looking out at the spectacular land that drew him to Santa Fe, New Mexico, his wife, Cory, said.
Charles began at CNN on the network's first day, June 1, 1980, and covered nearly every sporting event over the years.
He was paired with Fred Hickman for most of the next two decades on "Sports Tonight," a show that beat ESPN in ratings when the upstarts were battling for viewers. To this day, he and Hickman remain one of the longest-lasting anchor duos in television.
Topps, the trading-card company, put Charles' million-dollar smile on a bubble gum card, a rarity for a television personality. People magazine once dubbed him one of the most handsome men in America.
"Nick was your friend from the moment you met him -- and he stayed your friend forever," said Rick Davis, one of Charles' producers at CNN in the 1980s. "All of us who had the very good fortune to have been his friend have so much to remember about how he touched our lives in his own special way," said Davis, who is CNN's executive vice president of News Standards and Practices.
At his home in Santa Fe recently, Charles pointed to his signature mop of curly black hair as he scrolled through photographs of his on-air days. "Look at that thing," he said with a laugh. "It's my Billy Ray Cyrus mullet."
Facing death, Charles embraced life
While the world knew Charles for his sportscaster days, it was his battle with cancer that inspired tens of thousands of people. In a recent article, he talked openly about the dying process and preparing his family for when he was gone. He made birthday video diaries for his 5-year-old daughter, Giovanna, in the years to come.
"This is a gift from God where I need to build these memories for her, so that I'm not a blur," he said. "I feel that when I go, that I'm going to prepare a place for my daughter and my wife. I'm going to be in their heart and soul. I tell them that every day."
His message, he said, is to "never give up on life."
"It's an imperfect world, but, boy, it's still beautiful."
"What is life?" he said. "It's 20 percent what happens to you and 80 percent how you react to it."
"Find that little kernel every day that brings you pleasure and joy -- and fasten onto that. That's what's going to make life worth living. Always look for the best."
"When you're contemplating your mortality and your life," he said, "those are the things I reflect on."
Colleagues remember Nick Charles The son of a taxi driver who was mostly absent from his life, Nicholas Charles Nickeas grew up poor in inner-city Chicago. In grade school, during the frigid winters when his dad didn't pay the heat bills, Charles would curl up in bed with his mother and brother to stay warm.
He struggled in high school. He had no mentors. He was too busy working late-night jobs at produce docks in desolate Chicago neighborhoods. Once, his boss pointed to mounds of rat feces, threw lye all over the floor and handed the 17-year-old Charles a pair of gloves, rubber boots and a hoe.
He scrubbed away, but thought to himself: "I'll never be trapped again in life. Never. Never."
"That was a watershed, life-changing moment for me. It really drove me to the point where I had focus in my life."
He eventually went to Columbia College Chicago, where he studied communications and journalism.
He drove a taxi to help pay for college. Even in the driver's seat, he was practicing for his broadcast career.
"I wasn't nosey, but just curious about people's life. I'd ask, 'How'd you get to this country? What was the spark that motivated you in life?' ... I don't know what it was, but people would open up."
Charles was still driving taxis in the fall of 1970 when he auditioned for his first television job, at WICS in Springfield, Illinois.
Two days later, he got the job. He took a pay cut to enter the television business: $130 a week as a sports anchor, compared with $200 driving a taxi.
He was told by his news director that his Greek name was too ethnic and to change it to something more "vanilla."
"Nick Nickeas, sounds like you got a stutter, too," the news director added.
At the age of 24, Nick Charles was born. He covered sports for WICS, before the job rolled into just about anything, from farm reports to fluff. A wolf once urinated on his leg: "The mother wolf was a little mad. We got a little too close to her cubs."
From Springfield, he worked at local stations in Baltimore and Washington before joining CNN.
And it's at CNN where he shined.
In his prime, he and Hickman had chemistry, charisma and dynamism -- a duo of boundless energy. The two were revolutionary for their time, a white and black man sitting side-by-side live every night in studios from the once-segregated South.
"We just clicked from the very beginning," Hickman said in an interview before Charles' death. "In television, you always have personality conflicts. Nick and I never had one. Nick and I have always had a tremendous relationship."
Hickman's favorite memory with his long-time friend came in the 1980s when they arrived in Los Angeles for the Cable Ace Awards. Stretch limousines and other luxurious cars were parked everywhere. "We pulled up in a red Ford Tempo," Hickman said with a laugh.
His favorite line ever uttered by Charles came after Mike Tyson demolished an opponent: "Tyson tore his meat house down."
"I still don't know what it means," Hickman said, "but I love it."
Charles covered everything from the Olympics to the Super Bowl to the Kentucky Derby. But boxing was his passion.
He covered some of the most classic boxing matches -- when Tyson bit Evander Holyfield's ear, when Roberto Duran quit and told Sugar Ray Leonard, "No mas."
Seeing an undefeated Tyson get knocked out by Buster Douglas in Tokyo in 1990 was epic.
"That night was magical," Charles said. "It speaks to the uncertainty, that anybody's cloak of invincibility can be ripped away."
Charles would cry when he talked about the strength of boxers, because when he looked at the ring, he saw young men like him from the inner city who had to rely on themselves to reach success.
"You have to walk down that alley way to the ring," he said. "You're going to get hit. You have to take pain to get it. You have to fight through fear."
"There's just such an empathy I have for these guys. They want it so badly."
Tyson on Saturday sent a message on Twitter: "Mourning the loss of a true warrior. My friend & brother, Nick Charles."
In an interview in March, Charles had said he hoped to make it to one more Easter, to see his dream home completed in May, to see his daughter play the piano, to reach his 65th birthday on June 30. He made three of those four goals.
"If I don't make it," he said, "there's no need for any pity parties."
"People won't remember who you are or what you said," he said. "It's really about: Are you going to be remembered as a good person?"
"That's victory to me. That's success."
Charles is survived by his wife, Cory, of 13 years and their daughter, Giovanna. He has three children from two previous marriages: Jason, 39; Melissa, 36; and Katie, 24.
"His passing is a loss to CNN, to the sports world and to the fans and friends everywhere who were with him to the end of his extraordinary life," said Jim Walton, Charles' field producer in his early days and current president of CNN Worldwide.
Nick Charles and his family formed the "Embrace Life" project to help stop child trafficking and abuse, increase access to education and allow children to embrace life. Working with the humanitarian organization World Vision and the TEACH NOW: Preventing Child Labor in the Philippines project, the family welcomes support here:
Renowned CNN sports broadcaster Nick Charles dies at 64
By Wayne Drash, CNN
June 25, 2011 2:38 p.m. EDT
(CNN) -- Nick Charles, who started off as a taxi driver and later became the first sports anchor at CNN, died Saturday after battling bladder cancer since 2009. He was 64.
Charles died peacefully, looking out at the spectacular land that drew him to Santa Fe, New Mexico, his wife, Cory, said.
Charles began at CNN on the network's first day, June 1, 1980, and covered nearly every sporting event over the years.
He was paired with Fred Hickman for most of the next two decades on "Sports Tonight," a show that beat ESPN in ratings when the upstarts were battling for viewers. To this day, he and Hickman remain one of the longest-lasting anchor duos in television.
Topps, the trading-card company, put Charles' million-dollar smile on a bubble gum card, a rarity for a television personality. People magazine once dubbed him one of the most handsome men in America.
"Nick was your friend from the moment you met him -- and he stayed your friend forever," said Rick Davis, one of Charles' producers at CNN in the 1980s. "All of us who had the very good fortune to have been his friend have so much to remember about how he touched our lives in his own special way," said Davis, who is CNN's executive vice president of News Standards and Practices.
At his home in Santa Fe recently, Charles pointed to his signature mop of curly black hair as he scrolled through photographs of his on-air days. "Look at that thing," he said with a laugh. "It's my Billy Ray Cyrus mullet."
Facing death, Charles embraced life
While the world knew Charles for his sportscaster days, it was his battle with cancer that inspired tens of thousands of people. In a recent article, he talked openly about the dying process and preparing his family for when he was gone. He made birthday video diaries for his 5-year-old daughter, Giovanna, in the years to come.
"This is a gift from God where I need to build these memories for her, so that I'm not a blur," he said. "I feel that when I go, that I'm going to prepare a place for my daughter and my wife. I'm going to be in their heart and soul. I tell them that every day."
His message, he said, is to "never give up on life."
"It's an imperfect world, but, boy, it's still beautiful."
"What is life?" he said. "It's 20 percent what happens to you and 80 percent how you react to it."
"Find that little kernel every day that brings you pleasure and joy -- and fasten onto that. That's what's going to make life worth living. Always look for the best."
"When you're contemplating your mortality and your life," he said, "those are the things I reflect on."
Colleagues remember Nick Charles The son of a taxi driver who was mostly absent from his life, Nicholas Charles Nickeas grew up poor in inner-city Chicago. In grade school, during the frigid winters when his dad didn't pay the heat bills, Charles would curl up in bed with his mother and brother to stay warm.
He struggled in high school. He had no mentors. He was too busy working late-night jobs at produce docks in desolate Chicago neighborhoods. Once, his boss pointed to mounds of rat feces, threw lye all over the floor and handed the 17-year-old Charles a pair of gloves, rubber boots and a hoe.
He scrubbed away, but thought to himself: "I'll never be trapped again in life. Never. Never."
"That was a watershed, life-changing moment for me. It really drove me to the point where I had focus in my life."
He eventually went to Columbia College Chicago, where he studied communications and journalism.
He drove a taxi to help pay for college. Even in the driver's seat, he was practicing for his broadcast career.
"I wasn't nosey, but just curious about people's life. I'd ask, 'How'd you get to this country? What was the spark that motivated you in life?' ... I don't know what it was, but people would open up."
Charles was still driving taxis in the fall of 1970 when he auditioned for his first television job, at WICS in Springfield, Illinois.
Two days later, he got the job. He took a pay cut to enter the television business: $130 a week as a sports anchor, compared with $200 driving a taxi.
He was told by his news director that his Greek name was too ethnic and to change it to something more "vanilla."
"Nick Nickeas, sounds like you got a stutter, too," the news director added.
At the age of 24, Nick Charles was born. He covered sports for WICS, before the job rolled into just about anything, from farm reports to fluff. A wolf once urinated on his leg: "The mother wolf was a little mad. We got a little too close to her cubs."
From Springfield, he worked at local stations in Baltimore and Washington before joining CNN.
And it's at CNN where he shined.
In his prime, he and Hickman had chemistry, charisma and dynamism -- a duo of boundless energy. The two were revolutionary for their time, a white and black man sitting side-by-side live every night in studios from the once-segregated South.
"We just clicked from the very beginning," Hickman said in an interview before Charles' death. "In television, you always have personality conflicts. Nick and I never had one. Nick and I have always had a tremendous relationship."
Hickman's favorite memory with his long-time friend came in the 1980s when they arrived in Los Angeles for the Cable Ace Awards. Stretch limousines and other luxurious cars were parked everywhere. "We pulled up in a red Ford Tempo," Hickman said with a laugh.
His favorite line ever uttered by Charles came after Mike Tyson demolished an opponent: "Tyson tore his meat house down."
"I still don't know what it means," Hickman said, "but I love it."
Charles covered everything from the Olympics to the Super Bowl to the Kentucky Derby. But boxing was his passion.
He covered some of the most classic boxing matches -- when Tyson bit Evander Holyfield's ear, when Roberto Duran quit and told Sugar Ray Leonard, "No mas."
Seeing an undefeated Tyson get knocked out by Buster Douglas in Tokyo in 1990 was epic.
"That night was magical," Charles said. "It speaks to the uncertainty, that anybody's cloak of invincibility can be ripped away."
Charles would cry when he talked about the strength of boxers, because when he looked at the ring, he saw young men like him from the inner city who had to rely on themselves to reach success.
"You have to walk down that alley way to the ring," he said. "You're going to get hit. You have to take pain to get it. You have to fight through fear."
"There's just such an empathy I have for these guys. They want it so badly."
Tyson on Saturday sent a message on Twitter: "Mourning the loss of a true warrior. My friend & brother, Nick Charles."
In an interview in March, Charles had said he hoped to make it to one more Easter, to see his dream home completed in May, to see his daughter play the piano, to reach his 65th birthday on June 30. He made three of those four goals.
"If I don't make it," he said, "there's no need for any pity parties."
"People won't remember who you are or what you said," he said. "It's really about: Are you going to be remembered as a good person?"
"That's victory to me. That's success."
Charles is survived by his wife, Cory, of 13 years and their daughter, Giovanna. He has three children from two previous marriages: Jason, 39; Melissa, 36; and Katie, 24.
"His passing is a loss to CNN, to the sports world and to the fans and friends everywhere who were with him to the end of his extraordinary life," said Jim Walton, Charles' field producer in his early days and current president of CNN Worldwide.
Nick Charles and his family formed the "Embrace Life" project to help stop child trafficking and abuse, increase access to education and allow children to embrace life. Working with the humanitarian organization World Vision and the TEACH NOW: Preventing Child Labor in the Philippines project, the family welcomes support here:
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Summer 2k11 Food Fad
Remember the sumertime foods from the past few years that were THE THING to try at summer fairs and carnivals? Food like deep fried twinkies, chocolate covered bacon, fried candy bars, etc? Here's THIS year's weird food that is all the rage and summer time fair and carnival goers are saying you HAVE to try....
Fried Kool-Aid a fair hit, creator says
By Jonathan Horn UNION-TRIBUNE
Tuesday, June 14, 2011 at 3:33 p.m.
Chicken Charlie's is a staple of fried rations at fairs across the country. It sold 400 to 600 orders of deep-fried Kool-Aid per day the first weekend of the San Diego County Fair. That's about double the rate of previous debut items, Boghosian said.
"That's because it tastes so darn good," Boghosian said of the Kool-Aid.
The deep-fried novelty takes the shape of a doughnut-hole. There are five per order. That breaks down to as much as 9,000 balls of deep-fried Kool-Aid eaten over opening weekend.
Boghosian said Chicken Charlie's has already gone through 150 pounds of Kool-Aid powder and 1,500 pounds of flour. Chicken Charlie's debuted deep-fried Klondike Bars and Pop Tarts in past years.
Fairgoers on Tuesday were also buying up the deep-fried Kool-Aid.
"It starts off tart and tangy, and then finishes really sweet... I love this stuff," said Seth Baldwin of Vista .
"It tastes just like a doughnut ball," said Rashed Karram, who said he prefers the deep-fried Klondike Bars.
Chicken Charlie's still sells the Klondike Bars, as well as deep-fried thin mints and even frog legs.
"I don't know if I have the stomach for that," Karram said of the frog legs.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Mr Netanyahu Goes To Congress.
This week, Israel's Benjamin Netanyahu's addressed Congress and basically rebutted President Obama's speech requesting Israel to draw back to it's 'pre-1967 borders'. I find it interesting that nearly every story I read or hear states that this is a long standing US stance while blatantly leaving out that the previous administration official reverse of this “stance” or “near policy”. Regardless of which side you fall on this issue, that's a pretty major thing to leave out and forget. Am I wrong?I do find it interesting that from the many instances of standing applause during Netanyahu's address, Republicans and Democrats seem to be giving Israel “carte blanche”. The US remains a staunch supporter of Israel. It doesn't mean it has to support everything Israel does. Many of this year's Republican candidates for President or Republicans simply positioning themselves in some sort of Republican hierarchy continue to cloak themselves in all things 'Ronald Reagan'. They forget that Reagan, while a good supporter of Israel, didn't approve of things Israel was doing in the early 80's. In other words, Reagan era support for Israel did not necessarily mean unconditional support for absolutely everything Israel did. At the time, the US was trying to establish good relations with Iraq and Saddam Hussein because of their war with Iran – indicating that US and Israel interests weren't exactly 100% mutual or exact at the time.
Conservative Columnist Jack Hunter recently wrote: Yesterday’s Cold Warriors might have wanted to defeat Communism and no doubt considered Israel an ally, but by and large their hawkishness reflected a desire to put America first. Yesterday’s religious Right was also thoroughly anti-Communist and they also considered Israel an ally—but their politics were primarily born of the belief that America was no longer putting God first. Now both groups put Israel first.
While I am not suggesting we abandon Israel at all, we need to act a little more autonomous and not be so quick affirm everything our dear brother/friend attempts, in my opinion. Mr Hunter brings up another good point later in the article when he asks "Can you imagine Republicans today—especially GOP hawks and Christian conservatives—opposing Israel on anything?" Blindly supporting an ally is just as bad as blindly supporting, or NOT supporting something. I suppose it's human nature to do so. What say you?
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Barry Soetorro Emails
Just as when Bill Clinton and George Bush were President, I get emails from well intentioned people wanting to make me aware of "the secrets and lies" of President Barrack Obama.
I think there are a lot of well-intentioned people who love the USA and see how things are going, don’t like it. These people often unite and will write, say, or do ANYTHING to fight back or try to get others to see or identify with their misery or pain in an effort to “right the wrong”. In an overwhelmingly majority of these cases, they take truths, half- truths, plausible facts, and even lies and misinformation for whatever reason to suite themselves or their cause.
All this is done, passed around, etc. instead of affecting REAL change or really DOING anything about what is “wrong”. People feel so helpless and will take on these truthful sounding theories, warnings, etc. These people don’t understand that if they use HALFthe effort they use to obsess over something or get together to discuss and perpetuate these types of well-intended misinformation, then perhaps they themselves would be a little happier and their satisfaction or happiness would come from THATthan smearing whoever’s president at the time.
As to the Barry Soetorro emails, well Barry Soetorro definitely is/was/’temporarily aint’ his real name. Most anti Barrack email’s facts twists the truths differently than other Obama hate emails. Some are better written than others, actually. See ( But like all good fairy tales and campfire stories, they are based on truths and facts.
My question is, so what? ‘You can’t get the horse shit back into the horse’. Where do we go from here?
If Barry held a press conference and stated, “Yep, I ain’t ‘merican. Good bye!” and left, where would we be?
It would take YEARS to legally undo everything he has so far in his short presidency signed into legislation or law. Joe Biden would take over and simply re-sign the legislation after it was re-passed (passed again? LOL!) by the same folks who passed it (the House and Senate).
Most importantly, what is the alternative to what we now have? Are the current Republicans vying for the oval office really any different than what we have now?
But never mind the reality of things. Let’s just all keep on complaining about gas, food, healthcare, our government, etc while not really doing anything about it. Waking up when the house is on fire is not a good time to decide to fire-proof the house.
Barrack Obama,
Barry Soetorro,
FOX News,
Joe Biden,
Rush Limbaugh
Sunday, May 1, 2011
A "Super"Sized Mess
Heer’s the story at:
Superman Defies God, Renounces US Citizenship in Action Comics #900
My thoughts ; This story has achieved it's purpose- Generating "buzz" for the character/DC Comics.However, if this is true and not a stunt or wind up being NOT actually Supe's thoughts but a mischievious plot by an outside entity, this can't be good for the upcoming movie.
Superman has proven story after story to be a citizen of the world and NOT just the US or any other political way of thought (minus The Dark Knight Returns or other 'elseworlds' stories). He's never cared before about whether or not his actions were construed as "American policy" or whatever before. He was doing what he thought was the right thing to do. Why should it bother him now? I'm sure if he does go through with it, he'll give a speach loving America and how he sees "the bigger picture" and all. Seriously, isn't this like telling someone you love them and always will before punching them or divorcing them?
To me, this isn't Clark Kent, the boy scout we all know and love (or loathe). If he's not behind this, this has to even make Luthor slightly nervous. All I can say is, something's amiss.
Bruce (Batman), get ready. This may be the start to that instance you were always afraid would happen,
what say you?
Superman Defies God, Renounces US Citizenship in Action Comics #900
My thoughts ; This story has achieved it's purpose- Generating "buzz" for the character/DC Comics.However, if this is true and not a stunt or wind up being NOT actually Supe's thoughts but a mischievious plot by an outside entity, this can't be good for the upcoming movie.
Superman has proven story after story to be a citizen of the world and NOT just the US or any other political way of thought (minus The Dark Knight Returns or other 'elseworlds' stories). He's never cared before about whether or not his actions were construed as "American policy" or whatever before. He was doing what he thought was the right thing to do. Why should it bother him now? I'm sure if he does go through with it, he'll give a speach loving America and how he sees "the bigger picture" and all. Seriously, isn't this like telling someone you love them and always will before punching them or divorcing them?
To me, this isn't Clark Kent, the boy scout we all know and love (or loathe). If he's not behind this, this has to even make Luthor slightly nervous. All I can say is, something's amiss.
Bruce (Batman), get ready. This may be the start to that instance you were always afraid would happen,
what say you?
Clark Kent,
DC Comics,
Superman movie,
Superman renounces citizenship
Monday, April 18, 2011
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Off My Chest
As I write this, the sun continues its upward journey into the sky warming the cool, green foliage outside. I look at the clock and realize that 27 hours ago, an old acquaintance of mine was officially pronounced dead as she lay on an ER hospital table. She had been shot multiple times in her shoulder and chest; once in her back as she fled her shooter. A shooter who has supposingly been apprehended and awaiting a bond hearing. Kind of ironic she was slain exactly one year after her oldest son was killed in Germany while serving in the military. Made me think of a kid 2 weeks ago who perished in a traffic accident on a road renamed a year earlier for his deceased father killed in Afghanistan. Irony….
I deal with and hear about people dying in every imaginable way; sometimes many times in a day. The facts known at this time was the aforementioned shooting victim was with a person (who was a known gang member/repeat offender since the early 90’s) exercising her constitutionally guaranteed rights to freely be around who she wanted to be around at any time she wanted to do so anywhere she wanted to do so on the 1 year anniversary of her oldest son’s death. I hope my assumptions concerning this event are wrong. I do know that this person was the proverbial “didn’t meet a stranger or anyone she didn’t like” type. When I knew her, he oldest son was 4 years old and she worked very hard. She had her own addictions and demons to conquer, if you will. I had hoped she had overcame those issues like she did so many other things. Maybe she did 19 years ago when I was one of a couple of people who were helping her; I don’t and probably won’t ever know. I do know she tried to kick certain habits despite everything against her. Which is really not different or more than we all have or currently encounter – just different.
I have a nasty habit of trying to “fix” things for other people or help resolve their problems while my own life is in shambles. I’m convinced these hypocritical acts are not heroic or self-sacrificial as they would seem. I believe it’s a way for me to shove aside my own unsolvable issues and not to have to deal with them at the time. Which is wrong, I know. Perhaps even a bit selfish if you think about it. I don’t do it on purpose, mind you. Sometimes my procrastination is somehow more explainable that way; and less painful when I confront or deal with it. I don’t know why it’s so hard for me to understand something SO simple as the fact that NOT taking care of myself won’t put me in a situation to help anyone. I know that’s stupid and silly. It’s just how I am. Hopefully I can get over myself and change things.
Sorry to go off on a tangent. I guess all I want to say is rest in peace, old friend. Another adventure awaits..
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Thursday, April 7, 2011
What's Up Wtith The Today Show?
Matt Lauer plans to leave the "Today" show morning program when his contract expires at the end of next year, "Entertainment Tonight" reported.
The news comes amid reports that Lauer's co-anchor, Meredith Vieira, wants to quit the show to spend more time with her ailing husband when her five-year "Today" pact expires in September.
The "Today" show's producers released a statement Wednesday addressing the rumors.
"There seems to be an awful lot of speculation around news anchors these days, and it's not our practice to comment on any of it. Matt Lauer has a long-term contract with NBC News and 'Today,'" the statement said.
Lauer has been with the show since 1997.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Sunday Musings - Impending Doom?
You know how you always see, hear, or read “these are wacky times we’re livin’ in”? Ever since I was a young child, most of the churches I attended preached about how we’re in “the end times”. Though I’ve been hearing that and pretty much seeing points of their view (before dismissing the argument in general) for the past 40 years, I’m now coming to a clearer understanding of what they meant. I’m not really writing about the recent earthquake horrors in Japan or the fixation on the horror that Charlie Sheen has apprently become. Even if you take away the religious aspects, the current “everything” climate here in the US is a little disconcerning even for the most optimistic of us. I’ve noticed my own behavior changing slightly. I’m cutting down on non essential stuff, like most of us are doing I suppose. I’m more aware of what’s being spent now in my household. I’m now paying dearly for years of financial inattentiveness and carelessness. I’m freaking REALLY hard right now on the new 4 year commitment on my new (to me) car. Of course, a readily available 24-hour news cycle doesn’t help things.
Just this morning, I found myself looking at websites that sell non-perishable food like the MREs the military has for field soldiers. An MRE, or ‘Meal, Ready to Eat’, (per Wikipedia) is a self-contained, individual field ration in lightweight packaging bought by the United States military for its service members for use in combat or other field conditions where organized food facilities are not available. Most local “Army/Navy” stores have them. Apparently, I’m not alone in my mini-paranoia as there are many websites offering MRE’s and other similar “survival” or long lasting, non perishable foods. Some you can purchase per meal/day/week/month/year quantities. One site offers you 6 meals free- you just pay the shipping & handling ( Another has the previous mentioned quantities available - ). A search engine result lists numbers of similar companies. I’ve has these MRE’s before- they’re not bad. Even if you’re not sliding into the aspect of a coming armageddon or apocalypse, these MRE types of foods are perfect for those 2 or 3 day power outages or camping when ‘the fish just aren’t biting’.
Of course, eating isn’t the only thing we’ll have to worry about if things definitively go awry. I mean, we probably won’t be able to access any money or savings. What will we use for trade? I’ve been hearing people have been stocking up on platinum, gold, silver, and other metals like copper and such.
Stocking up on guns and ammo is popular, even without “planning ahead”. Though I consider myself an “aggressive” pacifist, I’m a fervent supporter of the second amendment to U.S. Constitution regarding the “right to bear arms”. Then again, I don’t smoke pot and yet I’m a supporter of decriminalizing it, so what does that say about me? I also believe we in the US could do a version of socialized medicine much better than we’re planning to do or have planned to do. The obvious reasons why recent/current/future methods of this fails should be addressed but won’t because of political finger pointing and jersey wearing.
I don’t pretend to know all the answers to our problems and realize they aren’t as simplistic as they’re being discussed. We can’t fix our problems financially on a city/state/regional/national in a short time. I DO know that hard decisions must be made. I do like SC governor Nikki Haley’s approach of having each agency begin their annual budget planning with a zero budget, then making it out towards a lesser amount than the previous year. Is this good to do in your opinion? Should the government have to budget themselves like we do in our own households? The mere printing of money to cover our trillions in deficit is mind boggling. So much, that it’s probably why the public outcry is relatively to a minimum; with the exception to the Tea Party and other groups. Does anyone else see this reckless spending as trouble? I know, I know, this coming from a guy who has just taken on the burden of paying for a much needed car every two weeks onto his already strained financial situation.
car repairs,
Charlie sheen,
Miss USA,
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Monday, February 28, 2011
Thursday, February 17, 2011
NEW Wonder Woman For TV Has been Cast
The actress has been cast as the title character in Wonder Woman, David E. Kelley's pilot for NBC.
The project, from David E. Kelley Prods. and Warner Bros. TV, is a retelling of the DC Comics title in which Wonder Woman (Palicki), a.k.a. Diana Prince, tries to balance her life as a vigilante crime fighter, a successful corporate executive and a modern woman.
Palicki, who appeared as Tyra Collete in the NBC/DirecTV series Friday Night Lights, stars in the upcoming Red Dawn. Her most recent series regular role was Fox's short-lived Texas-set drama Lone Star, which aired only two episodes last fall.
Palicki is repped by UTA, Anonymous Content and attorney David Fox.
Kelley, who penned the pilot, and Bill D'Elia (Boston Legal, The Practice) are executive producing. Jeffrey Reiner (The Event) is set to direct.
THR reported last October that WBTV was developing a modern-day TV reboot of the classic iconic heroine with Kelley attached.
The news had come after nearly a decade of Warner Bros. and producer Joel Silver attempting to launch the property for the big screen. Several actresses had come into the fray during that time, including A-lister Angelina Jolie, and at one point, Joss Whedon was set to write and direct the film adaptation in 2005. (He has The Avengers on tap.)
Though the 1975-79 TV series starring Lynda Carter is the most memorable in pop culture, broadcast has had trouble developing a successful female-centric action series, with NBC's modernized Bionic Woman failing to grab viewers.
This pilot season, networks are looking again to popular franchises and formats. ABC is betting on a contemporary reboot of Charlie's Angels, while NBC is adapting British series Prime Suspect with Maria Bello finalizing a deal to play the lead role.
DC Comics,
Wonder Woman,
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Super Bowl XLV
Been watching all the Super Bowl hype all week. Kind of scary for we Pittsburgh fans. Seen numerous animals all over the US and world make their Super Bowl picks for the Packers. Read how Vegas has favored Green Bay by 2 or 3. Listened to the authorities talk about how the Packers will penetrate the porous and damaged Steeler offensive line and how the Steelers can’t handle Green Bay’s passing attack and will not be able to run against “The Pack D”. Heard all the celebrities make Ben "Rape-lessberger" jokes. All of this has made me think and be a little worried about playing a Green Bay Packers team I really like and would otherwise root for.
Until now...
Shut up and bring it Green Bay. We got legends. We got history too. While the crown jewel of every pro football season, every player's dream and goal, isn't named after one of our coaches, we are very familiar with the trophy that bears Lombardi's name. Of course, none of these will help either team tomorrow after 6:30pm ET in Dallas.
Bring it Green Bay. If you're worthy or get lucky Sunday night, I'll smile and give you your due.
Go Pittsburgh Steelers...
Sunday, January 30, 2011
So This Is Your Superman? / Another Reported "Dark Knight" Casting Rumor
It's being reported that Henry Cavill, of Showtime's mini-series "The Tudors" is the new Superman for Zack Snyder's upcoming reboot. A few articles point out that the major actors for Su[erman, Batman, and Spider-Man are all UK actors.
I liked the previous one, Brandon Routh, especially his Clark Kent. I hope the story is good.
From Zap2It --
Casting rumors keep trickling in for "The Dark Knight Rises," the upcoming third film in Christopher Nolan's Batman series. On Saturday, unconfirmed reports surfaced that Robin Williams may be the man for the role of Dr. Hugo Strange.
While no plot details have been officially released, many insiders have suggested that in the film, psychotic psychologist Dr. Strange will be tapped by the Gotham police forces to help track and capture Batman (Christian Bale).
Williams was up for roles in previous Batman films in the 1990s, but never accepted the offers. However, last summer he told reporters that he'd love to work in Nolan's Batman universe. "I would do Batman in a second," he said. "I'd play The Riddler in the next one, although it would be hard to top Heath Ledger as the villain and I'm a little hairy for tights."
I liked the previous one, Brandon Routh, especially his Clark Kent. I hope the story is good.
From Zap2It --
Casting rumors keep trickling in for "The Dark Knight Rises," the upcoming third film in Christopher Nolan's Batman series. On Saturday, unconfirmed reports surfaced that Robin Williams may be the man for the role of Dr. Hugo Strange.
While no plot details have been officially released, many insiders have suggested that in the film, psychotic psychologist Dr. Strange will be tapped by the Gotham police forces to help track and capture Batman (Christian Bale).
Williams was up for roles in previous Batman films in the 1990s, but never accepted the offers. However, last summer he told reporters that he'd love to work in Nolan's Batman universe. "I would do Batman in a second," he said. "I'd play The Riddler in the next one, although it would be hard to top Heath Ledger as the villain and I'm a little hairy for tights."
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
A Quick Hit Of What I Found Interesting In Today's News
I am so happy- Van Halen is working on an album with David Lee Roth.
in other REGULAR news...
Russian media are blaming a video game for the recent, deadly 'Big Bang" at one of their airports.....
So you still like your "technically and legally" beef taco from Taco Bell? 35% meat, 65% "extenders" and "fillers" huh?
An Arizona restaurant has decided to scrap plans to offer African lion meat in its tacos...
According to a new US/British study, being warm during cold weather can possibly result in you getting fatter.
In Chicago, carpetbagger Rahm Emanuel's back on the ballot for the upcoming mayoral race.
Our President will again call for a 5 year freeze on non-security discretionary spending tonight during the "state of the union" address.,0,4722948.story
The black n white ribbons you'll see (or HAVE seen) during the state of the union speech was stolen (or borrowed, depending of which political jersey you wear) from Carcinoid Cancer awareness- a type of stomach cancer.
Former Minnesota Gov. Jesse "The Body" Ventura is suing TSA and Homeland Secirity over those airport "pat downs" and such.
In non sense comic book news, Johnny Storm is dead. It was revealed that The Human Torch was killed in battle reducing Marvel Comic's 'Fantastic Four' down to 3.,0,4722948.story
Looks like the recently pronounced "dead" Wonder Woman TV series has new life thanks to NBC..
The Oscar nominations are out. I predict the boring (to me, anyway) "Kings Speech" will win.
Do you go to Yankee Candle or Bed, Bath, and Beyond to get your fix?
Those who own an Apple MAC book, iPad, or iPhones are really SCREWED
Do you think MTV's American version of the hit British TV show 'Skins" is akin to child porn?
Can we see two suns in 2012?
and FINALLY, is this REALLY bad?
Academy Awards,
Barrack Obama,
bath salts,
Carcinoid Cancer,
Marvel Comics,
Rahm Emanuel,
state of the union,
Taco Bell,
Wonder Woman
Friday, January 21, 2011
Friday January 21, 2k11
HELLO!! Today is National HUG day! It’s also National Squirrel Appreciation Day as well. So go hug a squirrel!
Check out some NEW X-Men 1st Class photos!!
Director Matthew Vaughn wasn’t too happy with the accidental release of the “group” photo. The image, obviously cobbled together in Photoshop by someone (presumably at 20th Century Fox), drew quick criticism from fans, many of whom expressed doubts about the quality of prequel. But an annoyed Vaughn wants to assure them the photo wasn’t pre-approved and, more importantly, doesn’t reflect X-Men: First Class.
“I freaked out on them yesterday,” Vaughn tells Slashfilm. “I don’t know where the hell that came from. I don’t think it’s a Fox image. It’s not a pre-approved image. When I found out, I said, what the fuck is this shit, and Fox is running around trying to figure out what happened as well. I agree. It’s like a bad Photoshop, which maybe it was by someone. It didn’t reflect the movie. I was shocked when I saw it. I was like ‘Jesus Christ’ [...] I’m a fan of X-Men. We’re not bastardizing X-Men, I’m trying to get them back to being whole again.”
Better still, the director released two more stills: Michael Fassbender as Erik Lehnsherr, wearing his Magneto helmet; and James McAvoy as Charles Xavier, apparently employing telepathy.
ABC is making up for lost time on its long-brewing Charlie’s Angels remake: Just a week after greenlighting the pilot for the revival of the hit ’70s series, the network has found its first Angel. Deadline reports that General Hospital co-star Annie Ilonzeh will play Kate, a smart but serious ex-cop and martial arts master who’s one of three sexy private eyes — Abby and Marisa are the other two — employed by a mystery man in Miami. Smallville collaborators Alfred Gough and Miles Millar are writing and producing the pilot. Gossip Girl‘s Mark Piznarski is reportedly being courted to direct.
Marvel has hired documentary writer Mark Bailey to pen a live-action adaptation of Black Panther, putting the long-stalled property back on its way to the big screen
According to The Hollywood Reporter, the promo for the Marvel Studios film will air during Fox’s Feb. 6 broadcast alongside the teaser for J.J. Abrams’ Super 8, and new trailers for such movies as Thor, Cowboys & Aliens, Priest, Transformers: Dark of the Moon, Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, Battle: Los Angeles, Rango, The Eagle and Kung Fu Panda 2. And that’s not even all of them. Ad rates for the game, the most-watched television event of the year, run about $3 million for a 30-second spot.
Roger Ebert is going to wear a prosthetic chin for his weekly show on PBS beginning this week.
Game phenom 'Angry Birds' is being turned into a TV and/or web series.
Check out some NEW X-Men 1st Class photos!!
Director Matthew Vaughn wasn’t too happy with the accidental release of the “group” photo. The image, obviously cobbled together in Photoshop by someone (presumably at 20th Century Fox), drew quick criticism from fans, many of whom expressed doubts about the quality of prequel. But an annoyed Vaughn wants to assure them the photo wasn’t pre-approved and, more importantly, doesn’t reflect X-Men: First Class.
“I freaked out on them yesterday,” Vaughn tells Slashfilm. “I don’t know where the hell that came from. I don’t think it’s a Fox image. It’s not a pre-approved image. When I found out, I said, what the fuck is this shit, and Fox is running around trying to figure out what happened as well. I agree. It’s like a bad Photoshop, which maybe it was by someone. It didn’t reflect the movie. I was shocked when I saw it. I was like ‘Jesus Christ’ [...] I’m a fan of X-Men. We’re not bastardizing X-Men, I’m trying to get them back to being whole again.”
Better still, the director released two more stills: Michael Fassbender as Erik Lehnsherr, wearing his Magneto helmet; and James McAvoy as Charles Xavier, apparently employing telepathy.
ABC is making up for lost time on its long-brewing Charlie’s Angels remake: Just a week after greenlighting the pilot for the revival of the hit ’70s series, the network has found its first Angel. Deadline reports that General Hospital co-star Annie Ilonzeh will play Kate, a smart but serious ex-cop and martial arts master who’s one of three sexy private eyes — Abby and Marisa are the other two — employed by a mystery man in Miami. Smallville collaborators Alfred Gough and Miles Millar are writing and producing the pilot. Gossip Girl‘s Mark Piznarski is reportedly being courted to direct.
Marvel has hired documentary writer Mark Bailey to pen a live-action adaptation of Black Panther, putting the long-stalled property back on its way to the big screen
According to The Hollywood Reporter, the promo for the Marvel Studios film will air during Fox’s Feb. 6 broadcast alongside the teaser for J.J. Abrams’ Super 8, and new trailers for such movies as Thor, Cowboys & Aliens, Priest, Transformers: Dark of the Moon, Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, Battle: Los Angeles, Rango, The Eagle and Kung Fu Panda 2. And that’s not even all of them. Ad rates for the game, the most-watched television event of the year, run about $3 million for a 30-second spot.
Roger Ebert is going to wear a prosthetic chin for his weekly show on PBS beginning this week.
Game phenom 'Angry Birds' is being turned into a TV and/or web series.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Just Goofin' Around In The Lab One Day And.....
Physicists create sonic black hole in the lab
January 10, 2011 By Lisa Zyga

An absorption image of a sonic black hole created in the lab. Image credit: Oren Lahav, et al. ©2010 The American Physical Society.
( -- Black holes get their name because they absorb all incoming light, and are so dense that none of that light can escape their event horizon. In a new study, scientists have created a sonic analogue of a black hole in the lab – that is, a sonic black hole in which sound waves rather than light waves are absorbed and cannot escape. The scientists hope that the short-lived sonic black hole could allow them to observe and study the elusive Hawking radiation that is predicted to be emitted by traditional black holes, which has so far been a very difficult task.
The scientists, Oren Lahav and coauthors from the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa, Israel, have published their study on the sonic black hole in a recent issue of Physical Review Letters.
The researchers created the sonic black hole in a Bose-Einstein condensate made of 100,000 rubidium atoms slowed to their lowest quantum state in a magnetic trap. This cold cluster of atoms acts like a single, large quantum mechanical object. In order to transform this condensate into a sonic black hole, the scientists had to find a way to accelerate some of the condensate to supersonic speeds so that the condensate would contain some regions of supersonic flow and some regions of subsonic flow.
The scientists achieved this acceleration by shining a large-diameter laser on the condensate in such a way as to create a steplike potential and a harmonic potential. When the condensate crosses the “step” in the steplike potential, the condensate accelerates to supersonic speeds. The scientists demonstrated that the condensate could accelerate to more than an order of magnitude faster than the speed of sound.
“The greatest significance of our article is that we succeeded in overcoming the Landau critical velocity, which states that flow cannot exceed the speed of sound,” coauthor Jeff Steinhauer of the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology told “Our experiment exceeds this limit for a finite period of time.”
In this setup, the step marks the boundary between the supersonic and subsonic regions, which acts as the black hole’s event horizon. At this event horizon, the flow velocity of the condensate is exactly equal to the speed of sound. On the supersonic side of the step, the density of the condensate is much lower than that on the subsonic side. As the scientists explained, the low density corresponds to a higher flow velocity due to conservation of mass. In their experiments, they could maintain the black hole event horizon for at least 20 milliseconds before it became unstable.
Similar to how a black hole traps photons, the supersonic region of the sonic black hole can trap phonons and a wide range of other Bogoliubov excitations with a wavelength of between 1.6 and 18 micrometers. Excitations with very short wavelengths can escape, and those with longer wavelengths cannot fit in the supersonic region in the first place.
In the future, the scientists plan to use the sonic black hole to study Hawking radiation. As the physicist Stephen Hawking first predicted, black holes may emit a small amount of thermal radiation due to quantum effects. Losing this radiation can cause black holes to shrink and eventually evaporate completely. But so far, detecting this radiation has been very challenging.
In order to observe Hawking radiation in the case of the sonic black hole, there are a few requirements, such as that the trapped excitations must have negative energy. The researchers verified this in simulations: When focusing two laser beams with slightly different frequencies onto the supersonic region of the condensate, the simulated condensate absorbed a photon from one beam and emitted a photon into the second beam, creating an excitation with negative energy. In the future, the sonic black hole may give scientists a glimpse of Hawking radiation.
More information: Oren Lahav, et al. "Realization of a Sonic Black Hole Analog in a Bose-Einstein Condensate." Physical Review Letters 105, 240401 (2010). DOI:10.1103/PhysRevLett.105240401
Copyright 2010
All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed in whole or part without the express written permission of
January 10, 2011 By Lisa Zyga

An absorption image of a sonic black hole created in the lab. Image credit: Oren Lahav, et al. ©2010 The American Physical Society.
( -- Black holes get their name because they absorb all incoming light, and are so dense that none of that light can escape their event horizon. In a new study, scientists have created a sonic analogue of a black hole in the lab – that is, a sonic black hole in which sound waves rather than light waves are absorbed and cannot escape. The scientists hope that the short-lived sonic black hole could allow them to observe and study the elusive Hawking radiation that is predicted to be emitted by traditional black holes, which has so far been a very difficult task.
The scientists, Oren Lahav and coauthors from the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa, Israel, have published their study on the sonic black hole in a recent issue of Physical Review Letters.
The researchers created the sonic black hole in a Bose-Einstein condensate made of 100,000 rubidium atoms slowed to their lowest quantum state in a magnetic trap. This cold cluster of atoms acts like a single, large quantum mechanical object. In order to transform this condensate into a sonic black hole, the scientists had to find a way to accelerate some of the condensate to supersonic speeds so that the condensate would contain some regions of supersonic flow and some regions of subsonic flow.
The scientists achieved this acceleration by shining a large-diameter laser on the condensate in such a way as to create a steplike potential and a harmonic potential. When the condensate crosses the “step” in the steplike potential, the condensate accelerates to supersonic speeds. The scientists demonstrated that the condensate could accelerate to more than an order of magnitude faster than the speed of sound.
“The greatest significance of our article is that we succeeded in overcoming the Landau critical velocity, which states that flow cannot exceed the speed of sound,” coauthor Jeff Steinhauer of the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology told “Our experiment exceeds this limit for a finite period of time.”
In this setup, the step marks the boundary between the supersonic and subsonic regions, which acts as the black hole’s event horizon. At this event horizon, the flow velocity of the condensate is exactly equal to the speed of sound. On the supersonic side of the step, the density of the condensate is much lower than that on the subsonic side. As the scientists explained, the low density corresponds to a higher flow velocity due to conservation of mass. In their experiments, they could maintain the black hole event horizon for at least 20 milliseconds before it became unstable.
Similar to how a black hole traps photons, the supersonic region of the sonic black hole can trap phonons and a wide range of other Bogoliubov excitations with a wavelength of between 1.6 and 18 micrometers. Excitations with very short wavelengths can escape, and those with longer wavelengths cannot fit in the supersonic region in the first place.
In the future, the scientists plan to use the sonic black hole to study Hawking radiation. As the physicist Stephen Hawking first predicted, black holes may emit a small amount of thermal radiation due to quantum effects. Losing this radiation can cause black holes to shrink and eventually evaporate completely. But so far, detecting this radiation has been very challenging.
In order to observe Hawking radiation in the case of the sonic black hole, there are a few requirements, such as that the trapped excitations must have negative energy. The researchers verified this in simulations: When focusing two laser beams with slightly different frequencies onto the supersonic region of the condensate, the simulated condensate absorbed a photon from one beam and emitted a photon into the second beam, creating an excitation with negative energy. In the future, the sonic black hole may give scientists a glimpse of Hawking radiation.
More information: Oren Lahav, et al. "Realization of a Sonic Black Hole Analog in a Bose-Einstein Condensate." Physical Review Letters 105, 240401 (2010). DOI:10.1103/PhysRevLett.105240401
Copyright 2010
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Monday, January 17, 2011
Right LEANING Talking Points: Obvious Knee Jerk Reaction Within Our State
Right LEANING Talking Points: Obvious Knee Jerk Reaction Within Our State: "I totally disagree with this.... Tucson shooting prompts SC reporting legislation By JIM DAVENPORT Associated Press Colleges and univers..."
Spider-Man Pic
Make way for a new superhero – or at least a new version of an old superhero.
In the first photo released from the set of the fourth Spider-Man movie, a brooding and intense Andrew Garfield slips into the skin-tight, red and blue Spider-Man costume, officially taking the reins from Tobey Maguire in the popular franchise.
For those who have yet to get to know Garfield, the Los Angeles-born actor, 27, was raised in England and was seen on movie screens recently in The Social Network.
Make way for a new superhero – or at least a new version of an old superhero.
In the first photo released from the set of the fourth Spider-Man movie, a brooding and intense Andrew Garfield slips into the skin-tight, red and blue Spider-Man costume, officially taking the reins from Tobey Maguire in the popular franchise.
For those who have yet to get to know Garfield, the Los Angeles-born actor, 27, was raised in England and was seen on movie screens recently in The Social Network.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
OK, Now What...
Monday, January 10th, 20011
What an awesome event this 2nd week of January 2k11 has been. After 4 days, many are declaring they're sick of all of the snow and ice; tired of the cabin fever. I am not one of them. Thanks to the event and the generosity of the business I work for, I've worked 7 consecutive days. Luckily this is my Friday/Saturday/Sunday off. Friday I plan to do nothing but sleep. I consider myself lucky to have seen and participated in this rare snow event here in upstate SC. Glad I'm not in Brazil or Australia where flooding has killed hundreds in each country.
Watch for the upcoming news stories as a result of the winter wonderfulness.
* Deteriorating road conditions - yep, pot holes, possible sink holes, cracked and broken pavement as a result of the freezing and re-freezing water on our already bad roadways. We'll be informed of how stretched the road budget already is in SC and with the looming billion dollar shortfall in July.
* Probably hear some dollar costs in regards to communities and local municipalities and how they will struggle to pay for extra costs incurred during the storm.
* Blood shortages. Everybody knows that snowfall or other inclimate weather depletes blood bank donations so these non profit organizations can profit selling the free blood to hospitals to save lives.
* The effect the weather had on personal vehicles as far as damage/ wear and tear.
* Already large winter power and heating bills will be even higher due to the snow. I personally believe Duke Energy and other local power companies dodged a MAJOR bullet this week. They know it too.
* Missed school days - the state already is reviewing pending legislation that would reduce the school year beginning next year by 5 or 10 days to save millions on the state education budget. These missed days may play a role if we have other storms that delay or cancel further school days.
* How many storms might lie ahead. Will any possible future snow events be as severe as this one?
Just a guess as to the predictability of what we'll be beat over the head with, along the other wacky stuff. Well, you guys have a great day and weekend. Lord willing, I'l see you soon.
A Reluctant "WHOO-HOO"
Ivan Reitman says 'Ghostbusters 3' script is ready and good enough to film
AP Entertainment Writer
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Power up that Proton Pack: "Ghostbusters 3" is closer to becoming a reality.
Ivan Reitman, who directed and produced the first two "Ghostbusters" movies, says "a very good script" for the third installment in the comic ghost-hunting tale has been sent to star Bill Murray.
Reitman said Friday that "nothing you've read on the Internet is accurate" and that Murray hasn't yet read the "Ghostbusters 3" script.
But the filmmaker is confident about its content, saying "it's good enough to do, to take the risk of doing again."
Reitman's latest project is the romantic comedy "No Strings Attached," starring Natalie Portman and Ashton Kutcher. It opens Jan. 21.
Copyright 2011 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
AP Entertainment Writer
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Power up that Proton Pack: "Ghostbusters 3" is closer to becoming a reality.
Ivan Reitman, who directed and produced the first two "Ghostbusters" movies, says "a very good script" for the third installment in the comic ghost-hunting tale has been sent to star Bill Murray.
Reitman said Friday that "nothing you've read on the Internet is accurate" and that Murray hasn't yet read the "Ghostbusters 3" script.
But the filmmaker is confident about its content, saying "it's good enough to do, to take the risk of doing again."
Reitman's latest project is the romantic comedy "No Strings Attached," starring Natalie Portman and Ashton Kutcher. It opens Jan. 21.
Copyright 2011 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
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