It's being reported that Henry Cavill, of Showtime's mini-series "The Tudors" is the new Superman for Zack Snyder's upcoming reboot. A few articles point out that the major actors for Su[erman, Batman, and Spider-Man are all UK actors.
I liked the previous one, Brandon Routh, especially his Clark Kent. I hope the story is good.
From Zap2It --
Casting rumors keep trickling in for "The Dark Knight Rises," the upcoming third film in Christopher Nolan's Batman series. On Saturday, unconfirmed reports surfaced that Robin Williams may be the man for the role of Dr. Hugo Strange.
While no plot details have been officially released, many insiders have suggested that in the film, psychotic psychologist Dr. Strange will be tapped by the Gotham police forces to help track and capture Batman (Christian Bale).
Williams was up for roles in previous Batman films in the 1990s, but never accepted the offers. However, last summer he told reporters that he'd love to work in Nolan's Batman universe. "I would do Batman in a second," he said. "I'd play The Riddler in the next one, although it would be hard to top Heath Ledger as the villain and I'm a little hairy for tights."
The title rhymes with "nonsense" for a reason.. Basically this is a loose collection of my ideas, thoughts, opinions, reaction to stuff I've read on the internet, stories, and pictures that caught my eye, opimions, etc. EST 2009
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
A Quick Hit Of What I Found Interesting In Today's News
I am so happy- Van Halen is working on an album with David Lee Roth.
in other REGULAR news...
Russian media are blaming a video game for the recent, deadly 'Big Bang" at one of their airports.....
So you still like your "technically and legally" beef taco from Taco Bell? 35% meat, 65% "extenders" and "fillers" huh?
An Arizona restaurant has decided to scrap plans to offer African lion meat in its tacos...
According to a new US/British study, being warm during cold weather can possibly result in you getting fatter.
In Chicago, carpetbagger Rahm Emanuel's back on the ballot for the upcoming mayoral race.
Our President will again call for a 5 year freeze on non-security discretionary spending tonight during the "state of the union" address.,0,4722948.story
The black n white ribbons you'll see (or HAVE seen) during the state of the union speech was stolen (or borrowed, depending of which political jersey you wear) from Carcinoid Cancer awareness- a type of stomach cancer.
Former Minnesota Gov. Jesse "The Body" Ventura is suing TSA and Homeland Secirity over those airport "pat downs" and such.
In non sense comic book news, Johnny Storm is dead. It was revealed that The Human Torch was killed in battle reducing Marvel Comic's 'Fantastic Four' down to 3.,0,4722948.story
Looks like the recently pronounced "dead" Wonder Woman TV series has new life thanks to NBC..
The Oscar nominations are out. I predict the boring (to me, anyway) "Kings Speech" will win.
Do you go to Yankee Candle or Bed, Bath, and Beyond to get your fix?
Those who own an Apple MAC book, iPad, or iPhones are really SCREWED
Do you think MTV's American version of the hit British TV show 'Skins" is akin to child porn?
Can we see two suns in 2012?
and FINALLY, is this REALLY bad?
Academy Awards,
Barrack Obama,
bath salts,
Carcinoid Cancer,
Marvel Comics,
Rahm Emanuel,
state of the union,
Taco Bell,
Wonder Woman
Friday, January 21, 2011
Friday January 21, 2k11
HELLO!! Today is National HUG day! It’s also National Squirrel Appreciation Day as well. So go hug a squirrel!
Check out some NEW X-Men 1st Class photos!!
Director Matthew Vaughn wasn’t too happy with the accidental release of the “group” photo. The image, obviously cobbled together in Photoshop by someone (presumably at 20th Century Fox), drew quick criticism from fans, many of whom expressed doubts about the quality of prequel. But an annoyed Vaughn wants to assure them the photo wasn’t pre-approved and, more importantly, doesn’t reflect X-Men: First Class.
“I freaked out on them yesterday,” Vaughn tells Slashfilm. “I don’t know where the hell that came from. I don’t think it’s a Fox image. It’s not a pre-approved image. When I found out, I said, what the fuck is this shit, and Fox is running around trying to figure out what happened as well. I agree. It’s like a bad Photoshop, which maybe it was by someone. It didn’t reflect the movie. I was shocked when I saw it. I was like ‘Jesus Christ’ [...] I’m a fan of X-Men. We’re not bastardizing X-Men, I’m trying to get them back to being whole again.”
Better still, the director released two more stills: Michael Fassbender as Erik Lehnsherr, wearing his Magneto helmet; and James McAvoy as Charles Xavier, apparently employing telepathy.
ABC is making up for lost time on its long-brewing Charlie’s Angels remake: Just a week after greenlighting the pilot for the revival of the hit ’70s series, the network has found its first Angel. Deadline reports that General Hospital co-star Annie Ilonzeh will play Kate, a smart but serious ex-cop and martial arts master who’s one of three sexy private eyes — Abby and Marisa are the other two — employed by a mystery man in Miami. Smallville collaborators Alfred Gough and Miles Millar are writing and producing the pilot. Gossip Girl‘s Mark Piznarski is reportedly being courted to direct.
Marvel has hired documentary writer Mark Bailey to pen a live-action adaptation of Black Panther, putting the long-stalled property back on its way to the big screen
According to The Hollywood Reporter, the promo for the Marvel Studios film will air during Fox’s Feb. 6 broadcast alongside the teaser for J.J. Abrams’ Super 8, and new trailers for such movies as Thor, Cowboys & Aliens, Priest, Transformers: Dark of the Moon, Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, Battle: Los Angeles, Rango, The Eagle and Kung Fu Panda 2. And that’s not even all of them. Ad rates for the game, the most-watched television event of the year, run about $3 million for a 30-second spot.
Roger Ebert is going to wear a prosthetic chin for his weekly show on PBS beginning this week.
Game phenom 'Angry Birds' is being turned into a TV and/or web series.
Check out some NEW X-Men 1st Class photos!!
Director Matthew Vaughn wasn’t too happy with the accidental release of the “group” photo. The image, obviously cobbled together in Photoshop by someone (presumably at 20th Century Fox), drew quick criticism from fans, many of whom expressed doubts about the quality of prequel. But an annoyed Vaughn wants to assure them the photo wasn’t pre-approved and, more importantly, doesn’t reflect X-Men: First Class.
“I freaked out on them yesterday,” Vaughn tells Slashfilm. “I don’t know where the hell that came from. I don’t think it’s a Fox image. It’s not a pre-approved image. When I found out, I said, what the fuck is this shit, and Fox is running around trying to figure out what happened as well. I agree. It’s like a bad Photoshop, which maybe it was by someone. It didn’t reflect the movie. I was shocked when I saw it. I was like ‘Jesus Christ’ [...] I’m a fan of X-Men. We’re not bastardizing X-Men, I’m trying to get them back to being whole again.”
Better still, the director released two more stills: Michael Fassbender as Erik Lehnsherr, wearing his Magneto helmet; and James McAvoy as Charles Xavier, apparently employing telepathy.
ABC is making up for lost time on its long-brewing Charlie’s Angels remake: Just a week after greenlighting the pilot for the revival of the hit ’70s series, the network has found its first Angel. Deadline reports that General Hospital co-star Annie Ilonzeh will play Kate, a smart but serious ex-cop and martial arts master who’s one of three sexy private eyes — Abby and Marisa are the other two — employed by a mystery man in Miami. Smallville collaborators Alfred Gough and Miles Millar are writing and producing the pilot. Gossip Girl‘s Mark Piznarski is reportedly being courted to direct.
Marvel has hired documentary writer Mark Bailey to pen a live-action adaptation of Black Panther, putting the long-stalled property back on its way to the big screen
According to The Hollywood Reporter, the promo for the Marvel Studios film will air during Fox’s Feb. 6 broadcast alongside the teaser for J.J. Abrams’ Super 8, and new trailers for such movies as Thor, Cowboys & Aliens, Priest, Transformers: Dark of the Moon, Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, Battle: Los Angeles, Rango, The Eagle and Kung Fu Panda 2. And that’s not even all of them. Ad rates for the game, the most-watched television event of the year, run about $3 million for a 30-second spot.
Roger Ebert is going to wear a prosthetic chin for his weekly show on PBS beginning this week.
Game phenom 'Angry Birds' is being turned into a TV and/or web series.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Just Goofin' Around In The Lab One Day And.....
Physicists create sonic black hole in the lab
January 10, 2011 By Lisa Zyga

An absorption image of a sonic black hole created in the lab. Image credit: Oren Lahav, et al. ©2010 The American Physical Society.
( -- Black holes get their name because they absorb all incoming light, and are so dense that none of that light can escape their event horizon. In a new study, scientists have created a sonic analogue of a black hole in the lab – that is, a sonic black hole in which sound waves rather than light waves are absorbed and cannot escape. The scientists hope that the short-lived sonic black hole could allow them to observe and study the elusive Hawking radiation that is predicted to be emitted by traditional black holes, which has so far been a very difficult task.
The scientists, Oren Lahav and coauthors from the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa, Israel, have published their study on the sonic black hole in a recent issue of Physical Review Letters.
The researchers created the sonic black hole in a Bose-Einstein condensate made of 100,000 rubidium atoms slowed to their lowest quantum state in a magnetic trap. This cold cluster of atoms acts like a single, large quantum mechanical object. In order to transform this condensate into a sonic black hole, the scientists had to find a way to accelerate some of the condensate to supersonic speeds so that the condensate would contain some regions of supersonic flow and some regions of subsonic flow.
The scientists achieved this acceleration by shining a large-diameter laser on the condensate in such a way as to create a steplike potential and a harmonic potential. When the condensate crosses the “step” in the steplike potential, the condensate accelerates to supersonic speeds. The scientists demonstrated that the condensate could accelerate to more than an order of magnitude faster than the speed of sound.
“The greatest significance of our article is that we succeeded in overcoming the Landau critical velocity, which states that flow cannot exceed the speed of sound,” coauthor Jeff Steinhauer of the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology told “Our experiment exceeds this limit for a finite period of time.”
In this setup, the step marks the boundary between the supersonic and subsonic regions, which acts as the black hole’s event horizon. At this event horizon, the flow velocity of the condensate is exactly equal to the speed of sound. On the supersonic side of the step, the density of the condensate is much lower than that on the subsonic side. As the scientists explained, the low density corresponds to a higher flow velocity due to conservation of mass. In their experiments, they could maintain the black hole event horizon for at least 20 milliseconds before it became unstable.
Similar to how a black hole traps photons, the supersonic region of the sonic black hole can trap phonons and a wide range of other Bogoliubov excitations with a wavelength of between 1.6 and 18 micrometers. Excitations with very short wavelengths can escape, and those with longer wavelengths cannot fit in the supersonic region in the first place.
In the future, the scientists plan to use the sonic black hole to study Hawking radiation. As the physicist Stephen Hawking first predicted, black holes may emit a small amount of thermal radiation due to quantum effects. Losing this radiation can cause black holes to shrink and eventually evaporate completely. But so far, detecting this radiation has been very challenging.
In order to observe Hawking radiation in the case of the sonic black hole, there are a few requirements, such as that the trapped excitations must have negative energy. The researchers verified this in simulations: When focusing two laser beams with slightly different frequencies onto the supersonic region of the condensate, the simulated condensate absorbed a photon from one beam and emitted a photon into the second beam, creating an excitation with negative energy. In the future, the sonic black hole may give scientists a glimpse of Hawking radiation.
More information: Oren Lahav, et al. "Realization of a Sonic Black Hole Analog in a Bose-Einstein Condensate." Physical Review Letters 105, 240401 (2010). DOI:10.1103/PhysRevLett.105240401
Copyright 2010
All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed in whole or part without the express written permission of
January 10, 2011 By Lisa Zyga

An absorption image of a sonic black hole created in the lab. Image credit: Oren Lahav, et al. ©2010 The American Physical Society.
( -- Black holes get their name because they absorb all incoming light, and are so dense that none of that light can escape their event horizon. In a new study, scientists have created a sonic analogue of a black hole in the lab – that is, a sonic black hole in which sound waves rather than light waves are absorbed and cannot escape. The scientists hope that the short-lived sonic black hole could allow them to observe and study the elusive Hawking radiation that is predicted to be emitted by traditional black holes, which has so far been a very difficult task.
The scientists, Oren Lahav and coauthors from the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa, Israel, have published their study on the sonic black hole in a recent issue of Physical Review Letters.
The researchers created the sonic black hole in a Bose-Einstein condensate made of 100,000 rubidium atoms slowed to their lowest quantum state in a magnetic trap. This cold cluster of atoms acts like a single, large quantum mechanical object. In order to transform this condensate into a sonic black hole, the scientists had to find a way to accelerate some of the condensate to supersonic speeds so that the condensate would contain some regions of supersonic flow and some regions of subsonic flow.
The scientists achieved this acceleration by shining a large-diameter laser on the condensate in such a way as to create a steplike potential and a harmonic potential. When the condensate crosses the “step” in the steplike potential, the condensate accelerates to supersonic speeds. The scientists demonstrated that the condensate could accelerate to more than an order of magnitude faster than the speed of sound.
“The greatest significance of our article is that we succeeded in overcoming the Landau critical velocity, which states that flow cannot exceed the speed of sound,” coauthor Jeff Steinhauer of the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology told “Our experiment exceeds this limit for a finite period of time.”
In this setup, the step marks the boundary between the supersonic and subsonic regions, which acts as the black hole’s event horizon. At this event horizon, the flow velocity of the condensate is exactly equal to the speed of sound. On the supersonic side of the step, the density of the condensate is much lower than that on the subsonic side. As the scientists explained, the low density corresponds to a higher flow velocity due to conservation of mass. In their experiments, they could maintain the black hole event horizon for at least 20 milliseconds before it became unstable.
Similar to how a black hole traps photons, the supersonic region of the sonic black hole can trap phonons and a wide range of other Bogoliubov excitations with a wavelength of between 1.6 and 18 micrometers. Excitations with very short wavelengths can escape, and those with longer wavelengths cannot fit in the supersonic region in the first place.
In the future, the scientists plan to use the sonic black hole to study Hawking radiation. As the physicist Stephen Hawking first predicted, black holes may emit a small amount of thermal radiation due to quantum effects. Losing this radiation can cause black holes to shrink and eventually evaporate completely. But so far, detecting this radiation has been very challenging.
In order to observe Hawking radiation in the case of the sonic black hole, there are a few requirements, such as that the trapped excitations must have negative energy. The researchers verified this in simulations: When focusing two laser beams with slightly different frequencies onto the supersonic region of the condensate, the simulated condensate absorbed a photon from one beam and emitted a photon into the second beam, creating an excitation with negative energy. In the future, the sonic black hole may give scientists a glimpse of Hawking radiation.
More information: Oren Lahav, et al. "Realization of a Sonic Black Hole Analog in a Bose-Einstein Condensate." Physical Review Letters 105, 240401 (2010). DOI:10.1103/PhysRevLett.105240401
Copyright 2010
All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed in whole or part without the express written permission of
Monday, January 17, 2011
Right LEANING Talking Points: Obvious Knee Jerk Reaction Within Our State
Right LEANING Talking Points: Obvious Knee Jerk Reaction Within Our State: "I totally disagree with this.... Tucson shooting prompts SC reporting legislation By JIM DAVENPORT Associated Press Colleges and univers..."
Spider-Man Pic
Make way for a new superhero – or at least a new version of an old superhero.
In the first photo released from the set of the fourth Spider-Man movie, a brooding and intense Andrew Garfield slips into the skin-tight, red and blue Spider-Man costume, officially taking the reins from Tobey Maguire in the popular franchise.
For those who have yet to get to know Garfield, the Los Angeles-born actor, 27, was raised in England and was seen on movie screens recently in The Social Network.
Make way for a new superhero – or at least a new version of an old superhero.
In the first photo released from the set of the fourth Spider-Man movie, a brooding and intense Andrew Garfield slips into the skin-tight, red and blue Spider-Man costume, officially taking the reins from Tobey Maguire in the popular franchise.
For those who have yet to get to know Garfield, the Los Angeles-born actor, 27, was raised in England and was seen on movie screens recently in The Social Network.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
OK, Now What...
Monday, January 10th, 20011
What an awesome event this 2nd week of January 2k11 has been. After 4 days, many are declaring they're sick of all of the snow and ice; tired of the cabin fever. I am not one of them. Thanks to the event and the generosity of the business I work for, I've worked 7 consecutive days. Luckily this is my Friday/Saturday/Sunday off. Friday I plan to do nothing but sleep. I consider myself lucky to have seen and participated in this rare snow event here in upstate SC. Glad I'm not in Brazil or Australia where flooding has killed hundreds in each country.
Watch for the upcoming news stories as a result of the winter wonderfulness.
* Deteriorating road conditions - yep, pot holes, possible sink holes, cracked and broken pavement as a result of the freezing and re-freezing water on our already bad roadways. We'll be informed of how stretched the road budget already is in SC and with the looming billion dollar shortfall in July.
* Probably hear some dollar costs in regards to communities and local municipalities and how they will struggle to pay for extra costs incurred during the storm.
* Blood shortages. Everybody knows that snowfall or other inclimate weather depletes blood bank donations so these non profit organizations can profit selling the free blood to hospitals to save lives.
* The effect the weather had on personal vehicles as far as damage/ wear and tear.
* Already large winter power and heating bills will be even higher due to the snow. I personally believe Duke Energy and other local power companies dodged a MAJOR bullet this week. They know it too.
* Missed school days - the state already is reviewing pending legislation that would reduce the school year beginning next year by 5 or 10 days to save millions on the state education budget. These missed days may play a role if we have other storms that delay or cancel further school days.
* How many storms might lie ahead. Will any possible future snow events be as severe as this one?
Just a guess as to the predictability of what we'll be beat over the head with, along the other wacky stuff. Well, you guys have a great day and weekend. Lord willing, I'l see you soon.
A Reluctant "WHOO-HOO"
Ivan Reitman says 'Ghostbusters 3' script is ready and good enough to film
AP Entertainment Writer
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Power up that Proton Pack: "Ghostbusters 3" is closer to becoming a reality.
Ivan Reitman, who directed and produced the first two "Ghostbusters" movies, says "a very good script" for the third installment in the comic ghost-hunting tale has been sent to star Bill Murray.
Reitman said Friday that "nothing you've read on the Internet is accurate" and that Murray hasn't yet read the "Ghostbusters 3" script.
But the filmmaker is confident about its content, saying "it's good enough to do, to take the risk of doing again."
Reitman's latest project is the romantic comedy "No Strings Attached," starring Natalie Portman and Ashton Kutcher. It opens Jan. 21.
Copyright 2011 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
AP Entertainment Writer
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Power up that Proton Pack: "Ghostbusters 3" is closer to becoming a reality.
Ivan Reitman, who directed and produced the first two "Ghostbusters" movies, says "a very good script" for the third installment in the comic ghost-hunting tale has been sent to star Bill Murray.
Reitman said Friday that "nothing you've read on the Internet is accurate" and that Murray hasn't yet read the "Ghostbusters 3" script.
But the filmmaker is confident about its content, saying "it's good enough to do, to take the risk of doing again."
Reitman's latest project is the romantic comedy "No Strings Attached," starring Natalie Portman and Ashton Kutcher. It opens Jan. 21.
Copyright 2011 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
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