Goodbye April, hello May .
If I did a "Though of the Day" segment or mention , it would be THIS.
With all the hullabaloo about gay marriage and how gays are wrecking marriage, my buddy Keith Larson asks "who's gonna save marriage from heterosexuals?"
Check out the indisputable PROOF of alien spacecraft monitoring events around our sun.
Check out this former top secret US Gubmint/NASA facility RIGHT in our back yard, up the road in the Pisgah National Forest. They are having an open house Saturday, May 5th.
The NFL Draft has taken place. If anything, the draft makes me pine for preseason and the regular season after only 2 months off. Why can't American Football be like soccer and be seemingly continuous throughout the year. Actually, the players cannot make it through the current season health wise and I'm in favor of actually shortening the season back to a 14 game season, with 2 off weeks spread out in the schedule.
The NBA's Charlotte Bobcats are the proud owners of the worst single season winning record percentage ever in the NBA.
Found THIS on the net _- SpaceX Falcon 9 engine test will be webcast live at on Monday, April 30. The test is scheduled to begin at 2:30 PM ET/ 11:30 AM PT, with the actual static fire targeted for 3:00 PM ET/ 12:00 PM PT. Actual launch to space is currently targeted for May 7
F-22 Raptors Reportedly in UAE; Air Force Stresses 'Very Normal,' Non-Threatening Deployment. HAHAHA!
Now the Secret Service will have observers watching them. Wouldn't that kinda defeat the purpose? This and the soon-to-be hiring increase of female secret service members.All this and now they cannot drink at least 10 hours before duty nor have certain "guests" in their room overnight. And they can't visit non-reputable establishments while on duty or travelling for the US.
and finally, Campaign '12 rolls on!! I along with many people early on fell in "like" with Herman Cain early in the Republican primary process. I liked his business sense. I didn't care about the womanizing rumors, which were found to be totally untrue, BTW. I fell "out of like" with Cain when he stated on a couple of TV shows that we need to fix and restructure the things we have in government not in the constitution or causing our deterioration instead of ending them. I disagree with this strategy. The Republicans are touting the Paul Ryan plan which follows this path. The problem I have with Ryan's plan is that it's too slow and really doesn't accomplish much different than Obama's. Read it.
I then tossed peer pressure and social acceptance into the wind and jumped on the Ron Paul bandwagon. Ron Paul predicted the housing bubble burst way back in 2003 and everyone laughed at him. He was the ONLY elected person in Washington expressing the concern over Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. Ron Paul has always been my choice for the Republican or "3rd party" candidate for president. Ron Paul continues to draw large crowds. Larger than Romney or any other flavor by week Republican threat to Romney at times. In my opinion, Ron Paul has grown larger than the "where are they now?" tea party and is the most significant force in politics today.
Amidst the disillusionment I feel and see, among the ambivalence and "let's toe the line and vote straight 'whatever' party" mentality, Ron Paul is the only movement "moving". He's at the helm of this remarkable "thing" that will wind up as little more than a footnote. in history. Ron Paul is the only "authentic" candidate running in my humble opinion.
Do I agree with him on everything? No.
We disagree on the removal of Saddam Hussein. In my opinion, America is no more responsible for 9-11 than a loose, scantily clad, flirty person is to blame for getting raped' though I see the argument, I fail to share it.
Ron Paul's so called isolationist foreign policies have been skewed so far it's not funny.Though I disagree with some of the paths he'd point us in or take. I urge everyone to look at his website for complete understanding of what a Ron Paul presidency would entail and not depend of the popular sound bites and incomplete statements heard so far.
What say you?
Next week : The Avengers!!
The title rhymes with "nonsense" for a reason.. Basically this is a loose collection of my ideas, thoughts, opinions, reaction to stuff I've read on the internet, stories, and pictures that caught my eye, opimions, etc. EST 2009
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
"Desperation Is NOT A Pretty Color" -or- "Guns For All"
Courtesy of
Like him or love him, Newt Gingrich has now gone beyond grasping at straws. Sure, he's spouted off about establishing a colony on the moon. Heck, I'd like to see that, but realistically we've got many financial issues we must address first; much like Newt. His campaign bounced a check to the Utah elections office. He's selling his (normally free) lawn signs touting his candidacy for around $10; signed pictures of you and he for around $50 to help his campaign. During a campaign stop, a penguin bit him. He got pissed at a UNC student reporter during a seemingly innocent interview. At a recent NRA event, Newt got a standing ovation with his proposed ‘Gingrich Doctrine’—a promise for a UN treaty to give everyone on the planet the right to bear arms. That's right, he feels it's a human right for everyone on the planet to bear arms. All this and Romney will STILL be the chosen one to run against Obama in November. I heard a commentator state "if you're tired of the 'mocha' chosen one (Obama), wait til you get a load of the 'vanilla' one (Romney)." This comes on the heels of rocker Ted Nugent telling the NRA convention over the weekend that he'd be either 'dead or in jail' a year from now if Obama is reelected.
How many weak candidates and elections must come and go while the US spirals in a seemingly downward, debilitating spiral?
In regards to Newt, well, I'm a supporter of the 2nd amendment. I also believe that sometimes what's good for the goose (The USA) isn't necessarily good for the gander (everyone else). With the exception of Turkey (arguable), our form of a representative republic government will not work for many areas of the world. It just won't. I wish it would, but it hasn't historically and won't. Madeleine Albright recently advised either Egypt or Libya not to fashion their style of government after the US constitution. Right winged pundits gave her a rash of criticism for the comment, however I agree with her in regards to Libya and Egypt or pretty much any other middle east country. When the US installed government falls in Iraq and in Afghanistan, it will be embarrassing and a literal bloody spectacle. I hope I'm wrong, but I do believe that will unfortunately happen. Not that the US way is a better option for everybody else on the planet.
For me and mine, I believe it's the best. I just feel in my heart our way of life isn't for everyone. Sure people in other countries may express a desire and want to be like we here in the US, but overall these people can only be ruled by dictators or scum. I read where people in North Korea are eating grass and tree bark to survive while their government wastes nearly a billion dollars on a rocket test. Of course there is hunger here in the US where we spend millions of dollars on various frivolity. Hunger and poverty, and i mean even 1 hungry child or person is too many, and being poor here in the US is no where near the levels as other countries.
Both sides of this year's political rivalry are accusing each other of being in bed with "the rich". While statistically the rich ARE getting richer and the number of poor are increasing, I cannot tell the poor are getting poorer with all of the computers, Xbox, PS3, and big flat screen TV's flowing out of places like Walmart or Kmart or Target and the ilk. Go and sit in the parking lot of one of these or another establishment on any given Friday afternoon/evening or during the weekend and see what I mean.
I don't see where this labeling and name calling and finger pointing is helping to resolve anything. From my feeble perspective, the Bush bail out was wrong in size and scope. Obama could have done something about it, but chose not to. It's an example of futility the general public feels about the US government. We as a people have come to a point where we see the hypocrisy, lies, and waste- regardless of who's in the White House- yet do little more than form Tea Parties and 'Ron Paul' like movements assuring each other on talk radio how "right" we are and how wrong those who oppose are.
Again, how many weak candidates and elections must come and go while the US spirals in a seemingly downward, debilitating spiral?
flat screen TV,
Las Vegas,
Mitt Romney,
Newt Gingrich,
Wal Mart,
Wall Street,
Monday, April 16, 2012
Disappointing Music Facts
Came across these horrible facts at
1. Creed has sold more records in the US than Jimi Hendrix
2. Led Zeppelin, REM, and Depeche Mode have never had a number one single, Rihanna has 10
3. Ke$ha's “Tik-Tok” sold more copies than ANY Beatles single
4. Flo Rida's “Low” has sold 8 million copies – the same as The Beatles' “Hey Jude”
5. The Black Eyed Peas' “I Gotta Feeling” is more popular than any Elvis or Simon & Garfunkel song chartwise
6. Celine Dion's “Falling Into You” sold more copies than any Queen, Nirvana, or Bruce Springsteen record - same with Shania Twain's “Come On Over”
7. Katy Perry holds the same record as Michael Jackson for most number one singles from an album
8. Barbra Streisand has sold more records (140 million) than Pearl Jam, Johnny Cash, and Tom Petty combined
9. People actually bought Billy Ray Cyrus' album “Some Gave All…” 20 million people. More than any Bob Marley album
10. The cast of “Glee” has had more songs chart than the Beatles

1. Creed has sold more records in the US than Jimi Hendrix
2. Led Zeppelin, REM, and Depeche Mode have never had a number one single, Rihanna has 10
3. Ke$ha's “Tik-Tok” sold more copies than ANY Beatles single
4. Flo Rida's “Low” has sold 8 million copies – the same as The Beatles' “Hey Jude”
5. The Black Eyed Peas' “I Gotta Feeling” is more popular than any Elvis or Simon & Garfunkel song chartwise
6. Celine Dion's “Falling Into You” sold more copies than any Queen, Nirvana, or Bruce Springsteen record - same with Shania Twain's “Come On Over”
7. Katy Perry holds the same record as Michael Jackson for most number one singles from an album
8. Barbra Streisand has sold more records (140 million) than Pearl Jam, Johnny Cash, and Tom Petty combined
9. People actually bought Billy Ray Cyrus' album “Some Gave All…” 20 million people. More than any Bob Marley album
10. The cast of “Glee” has had more songs chart than the Beatles
Celine Dion,
Flo Rida,
Led Zepplin,
The Black Eyed Peas
Thursday, April 12, 2012
Let's Get It On
Romney vs Obama - until November all we'll hear from the left will be how "pro rich white guys" Romney is. The right will talk about how bad the economy is and how Obamacare will doom us all. Each side have declared the other side is wagin a war against women. To me, it all seems like an exercise in futility. A "well, he's better than the other guy" situation. Yet I read more poeple vote in the "American Idol" contests than vote in out elections. More people buy PS3/Xbox games than vote in elections. Amazing...
Of course, most will shrug their shoulders, get into their little groups and discuss all the bad there is in the world while doign nothing to effect change.
Trayvon madness continues- they've arrested and charged Zimmerman. 2nd degree murder, I believe. This whole case is so mired in controversy, non facts and emotions that this case will NEVER have a consensus verdict or decision. Meanwhile, vile racism continues followed by meager, insincere psuedo apologies from those on the PRO kill Zimmerman side. Interpretations form both sides flow and seem rational.
I like conversations with people about things that are controversial and disagreed upon. Regrettably most of those close to me don't care or do not like ot have conversations with me about things in dispute, for whatever reason. I'm not so closed minded as to not have my thoughts or beliefs challeneged and in ultra rare occasions, perhaps changed.. So much converation on talk radio or TV is sinlge-minded, "preaching to the choir" type of thing. Every now and then a token caller or writer with a seemingly opposing view will be allowed onto these shows; usually by the same person or handful of people. Nowadays, conversations end with someone saying "whatever" and waving their hand or finger in the air. Thye walk away mumbling something condescending. Or one side will become desperate and diversionary tactics are used usually resorting to personal attacks or questions answered with questions that has nothing to do with the subject. I see the latter used in news conferences daily. A reporter ro someone will ask someone a simple yes or no question. And instead of answering the question "yes or no" and then qualifying their answer, they resort to smoething that hardly resembles the intended answer. If that makes any sense. Am I the only one seeing this?
Americna Idol,
election 2012,
Presidential Election,
Friday, April 6, 2012
Easter, Left Media, $24 Muffins, and Ross Perot
I feel kinda weird writing " Happy Good Friday", however, knwoing the end of the story I believe, it's OK. I hope you guys have a great Easter weekend. Check out THIS video that is a very humorous look at Easter - unfortunately by an admitted atheist and one of my favorite comedians. -
When I get a chance, I listen to as much left leaning rhetoric as possible. The Stepahnie Miller Show is TV's newest entry- Stephanie Miller, billed as a sexy liberal, at least is easy to look at while she and the fawning, seemingly well educated and even sometimes humorous males shake their heads in agreement sputing their terse anti-right quips. I sometimes watch the "Free Speech" network - Basically TV friendly NPR rejects attempting to be a left leaning version of Fox News. I do not believe Keith Olberman's departure from Current TV will be the end of the network as many think. Though Al Gore's broadcast company was in trouble before the Olberman incident. Real Time w/ Bill Maher does make me think a little. Though I probably disagree with his anti-religion, anti right/Republican rants, he brings some interesting points to the table and isn't afraid t0 bash the left at times.. Like me, he seems to be an equal opportunity offender when twisting his view of the world.
The right's latest lament is the recent finding's concerning a General Services Administration training conference in October 2010 at the M Resort Spa Casino outside Las Vegas that was precluded with $100k exploratory trips to see if they (the GSA) can have their lavish meeting. Folk's, I can recall these types of lavish government waste since I became aware of things in the 70's by BOTH parties. These types of stories are plentiful within both the Democratic and Republican parties.
The right's "holier-than-thou" outcries and too numerous blogs, editorial opinions, news stories, and countless hours speaking their anti-Obama rhetoric are laughable. Laughable because that's all those on the right do. They launch really good ideas- The Reform Party (Ross Perot)- the Contract with America in the mid 90's, and the Tea Party a few years ago. These great ideas inspire many before eventually losing steam or becoming corrupt or not exactly what they seem to be. Usually in the end, they disenfranchise those who supported them and leave their remnants disillusioned. Yet we hear each and every Presidential election how important and critical the upcoming election is. Isn't each one critical regardless of who's running? I'm not looking forward to Obama vs Romney.
Trayvon madness continues. Dick Durbin is chairing a hearing on racial profiling in America to be held on Tuesday, April 17, 2012 at 10:00am ET. Stories of anti white attacks are emerging much like they tend to do.
The world, once again is doomed. Click HERE.
As bad as things are for us economically and seemingly socially, I do not believe all is lost. I believe we will recover. Perhaps not as quickly or as much as I'd like, but I believe what I love and like about the USA will prevail. Not in a faux, hokey, if anything has 'USA" or "God" in it it MUST be 'good and right' kind of way.. Know what I mean?
What say you?
$24 Muffins,
eddie izzard,
FOX News,
Free Speech,
Left Media,
Ross Perot,
stephanie miller,
Monday, April 2, 2012
Not REALLY About Trayvon, But....
Why are we as a nation so eager to label each other or put each other in a certain group? Why does either side of an argument go to extremes by lying or distorting half truths to make their point or support their point of view? Be it Trayvon Martin or infighting within the Republican Party and Democratic Party. minority races and Caucasians, US citizens and non US citizens, Churches and non churches, religions and non religions, guns and non-guns, heterosexuals and homosexuals, rich and poor, Team Jacob and Team Edward.
OK, I HAD to insert some absurdity into the absurd. Or at least what I believe is absurdity. It seems that thanks to the instantaneous atmosphere that is the 24/7 internet and smartphone Twitter and facebook thingees- news and it's inaccuracies and accuracies can flow to millions at the tough of a button. Sting sings in "If I Ever Lose My Faith In You"
" I never saw no miracle of science
That didn't go from a blessing to a curse.."
I'm not that pessimistic, however, I can see the point. I personally believe we have to anticipate "the negative' or bad in anything we do and learn to overcome or endure it. What have we become as a nation - as a society to succumb to this knee jerk type of reactions or to lie embellish facts to support our views?
There are a few other bloggers or opinion writers out there who are beginning to write about this -in regards to the Trayvon Martin case. The media for the most part gets a bad wrap as being either too "left" or too "right". Both sides argue their points and have very valid points and evidence to support their claims. There's an inherent problem with info being so readily sent and consumed. I heard an old man at a cafe put it best.,,
"You can't get the crap back into the horse."
A very interesting observation is that when these so called embellished facts or truths come out as such- or worse yet lies and untruths- their either ignored or dismissed as something the "other side" has presented or released to counter their truth or facts. It's an endless circle.
Worse yet, you have people who cling to how "middle" or "neutral" they are on everything from God to Trayvon Martin to politics to religion. I see these people as just as bad as those purveyors or false info or false truth as they seem to play both sides to me. They're too afraid to substantiate their belief in something or anyone, so they run to some intellectual middle ground to avoid unpleasantness or perception they believe as they do- just to hedge their bets I suppose.
So what do we do? What can we do? What should we do, if anything? I suppose it's just one of those things that we personally can do as we can only control things in our little world or our littel world's collectively.
What say you?
jesse jackson,
left wing,
right wing,
Rush Limbaugh,
Trayvon Mrtin
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