Not so busy here at work today.......
Here is some stuff I saw on the internet today...
Today is National Chocolate-Covered Anything Day,
Ex Kurt Cobain wife Courtney Love has lost custody of her 17-year-old daughter, Frances Bean. Frances wants to live with her grandmother.
Ben Bernanke has been named Time Magazine's 'Person of the Year.' - YAWN!
The book returned to the New Bedford Public Library in Massachusetts this week wasn't overdue by a week, a month or even a year. It was nearly a century overdue, and the fine came to $361.35. The overdue book fine was a penny a day in 1910. But Dudek wasn't asked to pay it. The library plans to display the book in its special collection...
A 13-year-old teen was probably in hot water with his father after running up a cell phone bill of nearly $22,000. Ted Estarija said he was expecting his bill to be higher this month after adding his son to his plan, but wasn't expecting a bill of $21,917 in data usage charges. The Hayward man said his Verizon Wireless bill soared after his son apparently downloaded about 1.4 million kilobytes of data last month. Estarija said after the first media reports, Verizon said they would credit his account for the entire amount. He has also suspended his son's account...
A man who spent 28 years behind bars for a rape and murder he said he didn't commit walked out of a federal prison in Arizona on Tuesday with $75 and a bus ticket to Ohio after DNA testing showed he was innocent. The conviction of Donald Eugene Gates, 58, was based largely on the testimony of an FBI forensic analyst whose work later came under fire and a hair analysis technique that has been discredited. Later, at a stop in Phoenix, Gates said he wasn't ready to talk about his conviction, his years in prison or the justice system. He did say he wanted to see America's countryside on the bus ride home. "I'm going to go back to my family and start my life over," he said
I LOVE Toy Story- can't wait.