One final thing on the Lane Kiffin ordeal. I wonder how much of a "big deal" Lane would be, would have been, or is WITHOUT his dad, Defensive guru Monte Kiffin? You have to also wonder since MOnte doesn't want to be anyone's head coach, is namign Lane a 'back door' way of getting his daddy to coach your team's defense?
Here's some stuff that interested me on teh net in between the Haiti shake, rattle, and roll that's killed/going to kill thousands, and the Lane Kiffin ordeal in
SEE USC (not THAT USC, So Cal) introduce it's new coach at 7pm ET TODAY!!!!
New Israeli research finds that pPlaying Mozart music to premature babies seems to help them gain weight faster and become stronger. Though the sample size was small, the scientists said their findings were statistically significant.
Beginning in the spring, the Wii will become the last of the three current video game consoles to get instant viewing of Netflix movies and TV shows over the Internet.
The SC House of Representatives has approved a censure this morning of Gov. Mark Sanford by the vote of 102 to 11. Not exaclty sure WHEN the official WAG of the finger will take place.
From the "SHOCKING! NO! REALLY?!?! department- A British seismologist says the 7.0-magnitude earthquake that struck Haiti was "the big one" the Caribbean had been dreading.
From the WTF! department-- Wall Street executives said Wednesday they underestimated the severity of the 2008 financial crisis and apologized for risky behavior and poor decisions. They also defended their bonus and compensation practices to a skeptical commission investigating what caused the collapse.
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