Happy Monday!
Well, as happy as it can be, I suppose. I hope everyone had a great Mother’s Day. My wife really enjoyed the card and stuff from “the dogs”.
What beautiful weather we’ve had here in SC this weekend! Saturday, I walked around downtown Greenville and experienced some of the downtown festival/sales event that WAS “Artisphere”.
Later that night, I saw one of the best Saturday Night Live episodes ever. I expected Betty White to be funny in a couple of skits. Especially the predictable ones with sexual content and extreme age variances. Her appearance brought out seemingly every female SNL alum from the 90’s- Tina Fey, Amy Poehler, Maya Rudolph, Ana Gasteyer, Molly Shannon & Rachel Dratch. I’d have to say, every skit on the show was funny. Even the news segment. Jay Z was Jay Z.
On Friday I saw Iron Man 2 with a couple of GREAT friends (you KNOW who you are). I totally disagree with the few reviews I read concerning too many characters and a plodding story line (a couple compared Iron Man 2 to what doomed Spiderman 3). Though I wouldn’t suppose anyone would seek a complicated, cerebral challenging storyline in a movie such as Iron Man 2. One reviewer stated she thought the movie was too “cartoonish” at times. Really?!?!?! A comic book movie too cartoonish? In my opinion, there’s no reason not to go see Iron Man 2, if you’re into that kind of movie. I’m now of the opinion that sequels and subsequent movies mad in a series never have the charm or appeal of the original and never will (with the exception of the 1st Star Trek movie). Much like the many book-to-TV/Theatrical lost in translation scenarios, this is just something I guess we’ll have to live with. That being said, Iron Man 2 is a good movie, with a good pace. You can argue that Scarlett Johansson was wasted in this movie, but to me it’s a GOOD kind of waste, LOL! There’s a reference and a little poke at another MAJOR Marvel Character who is getting his own movie. Wait until after ALL of the credits have rolled by for an extra special tease about a certain Thunder God’s upcoming flick. It’s estimated that Iron Man 2 made around $133.6 million this weekend.
ON another note- I just learned about “smart dust” over the weekend. Conspiracy theorists unite!!!
Check this story out and let me know what you think….
According to Wikipedia, Smartdust is a (not so anymore) hypothetical wireless network of tiny microelectromechanical sensors (MEMS), robots, or devices that can detect (for example) light, temperature, or vibration. I’ve read where certain cities are using smart dust to detect open or available parking spaces. A couple of cities are utilizing smart dust to reconfigure efforts to control traffic patterns. Of course, there are the moral implications that are too Orwellian.
other stuff I saw on the ol interweb this morning…
Lena Horne has died at the age of 92.
Looks like Barrack Obama is going to nominate the sexually ambiguous Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court. If confirmed, she will be the youngest person on the bench; replacing the oldest serving person.
A couple of sources are saying that gas prices may actually go DOWN in the coming weeks.
And finally, in Australia, An under-16 Australian Rules football team has come under fire for entering a sponsorship deal with a local Hooters franchise, with critics saying the move could give adolescent boys the wrong message. The Broadbeach Cats team in Australia's Gold Coast were cheered on by two skimpily-dressed staff from the Mermaid Beach franchise of the American restaurant chain during their home game against local side Labrador on the weekend.
"The message these boys are getting -- and bear in mind we're talking 15 and 16-year-old boys -- is that ... as a young footballer you have an entitlement to large-breasted women in skimpy outfits bouncing around at your games," women's advocate Melinda Tankard Reist said on an Australian morning television show.
(for John).
ReplyDeleteI would like add my humble opinion to today’s blog. I began reading this with having no doubt that this would attempt to thwart the happiness of my day. As it started with the words "Happy Monday" I could feel my heart rate begin to climb. What Jackass would start a Monday morning blog with Happy Monday? You pretentious ass!
I will say I was pleasantly surprised to read about the wife’s fine mother’s day, considering she is the one who holds this Union together.
Next, my stomach WRETCHED to read about your lollygagging downtown at ARTIFEST! Where did you put your man card? Next you tell us you are going to saunter through the gardens of an ancient plantation of the south while dining on a fine summer salad, reading a sappy romance novel. I find your activities of the downtown area a bore!
Betty White on SNL, priceless.
However, your overall review, again, just mindless dribble. Thanks for pointing out all the female cast members that anyone with an IQ over -6 would know!
At this point I had wished I had a delete button for my eyes, for everything I had read up to this point.
Then came to the review of Iron Man 2, Line after line of useless facts, potential earnings, OH and thanks jack ass, not everyone got out to see it this weekend. Do you think you can have put a spoiler warning in your blog? JESUS!!
Now for the conspiracy theory... I just threw up. Enough said. Get a life!
Lena who? Who gives a crap!
Do think you can hold your right wing opinions until after you state the facts of your next piece of somewhat ineffectual information. Yes Barrack has nominating a lesbian, he is evil I tell you evil!! What will he do next! He is destroying this county (at least the way the right wing views this country).
Gas prices are going down? Are you F**king kidding me!! We have the worst oil spill since the Valdes, no way to contain it, and your sources say gas prices MIGHT come down. Dream on sister! Someone is going to pay for that Cluster F**k and you guessed it. Taxpayers!
I won’t even comment on the Hooters topic. What 15 or 16 year old boy doesn’t think about boobies? Come ON!
Please stop posting this diarrhea!
Anyone who knows John and I, knows that I don’t mean any of this crap. I miss my dear friend. We use to have the best weekend banter when the bosses were not around until someone ratted us out. John I enjoy reading this everyday and I really do miss you pal. Hope to see ya soon
HAHAHA! Give it to him good!!