Good day! I'm doing better fighting this illness. Thanks for all the email, texts, and phone calls. What a slow, boring news day today. Here's some stuff I noticed this Monday afternoon..
It's now legal to hunt coyotes and wild peegs at night in SC. Whoo-hoo!
Locally, Mayor Knox White said today the city intends to hire assistant city manager John Castile to the top executive position. Castile, 44, has been with the city 15 years and played a key role in some of its most controversial and high-profile projects. The council is scheduled to vote on the issue in tonight’s public meeting.
Elin Woods, soon to be ex wife of Tiger Woods will get a $750 million dollar settlement in her divorce,
Ex KKK Grand Wizard Robert C. Byrd, the longest serving member of the U.S. Senate, a fiery orator and hard-charging power broker who steered billions of federal dollars to his beloved West Virginia, died Monday. He was 92.
Ghana, the world's leading 900 sex and psychic telephone providers defeated the USA in World Cup Soccer over the weekend. Thus ending the World Cup interest for everyone in America. With apologies to the 27 people here in the US still interested.
Sorry Commies, the Supreme Court ruled Monday that the Constitution's “right to keep and bear arms” applies nationwide as a restraint on the ability of the federal, state and local governments to substantially limit its reach. In doing so, the justices, by a narrow 5-4 margin, signaled that less severe restrictions could survive legal challenges. FYI- this is the 2nd ammendment of the US Constitution. What's scary to me is that 4 justices wanted to REPEAL it.
Speaking of SCOTUS, Elana Kagan begins her trek today towards a seat on the bench At Kagan's hearings, liberals will seek assurances that she is truly one of their own, while conservatives will test whether she's acceptably within their definition of the mainstream.
Folks in Winston Salem, NC are tired of all the gang graffiti so they're gonna restrict sales of spray paint to teenagers. Of course this course of action has worked SO well for cigarettes and beer...
I missed last night's BET Awards, but I did catch a YouTube video of El Debarge tearing it up. Prince received BET's lifetime achievement award. Ti and Chris Brown also made what the press are calling "comebacks" on the show.
The next DC Animated release will be called "Superman/Batman: Apocalypse," based on the second Superman/Batman story line. The animated "Batman: Under The Red hood" comes out July 27th.
The National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws has opened an office in Asheville, NC. I'd thought Asheville would actually BE the headquarters.
Britain's Foreign Office named the United States embassy Monday as the worst offender among diplomatic missions that have racked up 36 million pounds ($54 million) in disputed traffic congestion charges.
Doctors could one day use a blood test to predict decades in advance when women will go into menopause. Here's the story: click HERE
Today's big news in the oily Gulf of Mexico, forecasters say Tropical Storm Alex will likely become a hurricane on Tuesday.
and finally
The online version of the Greenville News will no longer be free as of this Thursday, July 1st. Among the 3 tiered available subscriptions will be access to the GreenvilleOnline.com website for $9.95 monthly, which is the cheapest. I understand that Gannett's back is against the wall. Newspapers everywhere are closing shop. The comments at the website have been predictably against the action. The announcement was like one of those "future endeavors" termination announcements.
What's on your mind?
I made a similar comment a few years ago whenever SCOTUS makes a narrow ruling as in broad police powers, that dissenting vote should be looked at. In the 2nd ammendment case, I think the dissenting judges should be replaced.
ReplyDeleteOh Tiger. Sport sex is expensive. Hint, PRENUP!
Yeah, I missed that racists awards show too. Had better things to do like watching Rambo 3.
How did the US embassy in London rack up traffic fines? Doesn't diplomatic immunity cover that as well?
Sad that the Greenville News Editor wasted the first page of a two page online article giving themselves a huge pat on the back for having a full time this and full time that. Time better spent on the unpopular laying off employees and renting out offices, increasing ad price and space. They need to get lean and mean, not charge something I get for free from other sources.
I don't think the SCOTUS wanted to repeal the 2nd ammendment, John. Chill out.
ReplyDeleteOh, Byrd repented from being in the Klan too many years ago. I don't think he was a grand wizard either.
So is the Greenville News website your city's only website for local news? What about the television stations there?
Glad you're better. Later.