Well, it was in the 40’s this morning, PERFECT fall morning for me personally. I’m so sick of summer. I feel it in the air, the summer’s outta reach (thanks Don!). As I always say, I can easily warm up, I can’t always get or make myself cooler. Not unless I have one of those COOL hats like Muammar Qaddafi wore at the UN last week!!
Time to play catch up with what’s going on with me. Kinda slow here at work today- taking 9-1-1 calls.
My Steelers AND Tarheels lost their respective football games. I apparently have WON my Fantasy Baseball Leagues regular season- WHOO-HOO! I'm 2-1 in my pay-fantasy-football league; second place in the FREE league I ACTUALLY have fun with and care about.
Went to the doctor late last week- he gave me the official diagnosis of having “the crud”. Swabbed and tested me for the flu-s- had neither. Instructed me to go home, take my Z-pack, mucinex, zyrtec, and be sick no more. Still working on the latter but I AM feeling better. Now my wife has it. SORRY!
Got a new cell phone. A fancy schmancy Blackberry 8520 Curve. Wow. It’s still a little awkward to use to me; even after 3 days. I can see how the device can be addicting and a very, VERY useful tool. I stayed up until 4:30am Sunday playing with just some of the features. It’s got Wi-Fi too. It ALSO adds an extra $20 to my monthly bill, LOL!!
We had an issue with my wife’s car over the weekend as well. We were quoted around $300.00 for a tune-up to get it running. For an extra $450.00, they’d change the oil, repair a broken cable on the driver’s side window, and replace two rear light bulbs (that aren’t really burned out). In the end, I couldn’t see the bruned out bulbs after the usual battery of tests (braking, turn signal, on/off, etc). The window is up, just can’t roll it down right now without a $51.00 part. I wound up replacing a frayed spark plug wire that was arching causing the diagnoses of a needed tune up. Grand total -$4.99 + tax.. Thank you, Lord!!
BTW, my dog’s puppy died. I didn’t blog that. It WAS 11 days premature, and DID make it nearly 48 hours. If it had lived, my brother would have named it Moses. Mama dog is doing well.
Heard that the newly slimmed down Rush Limbaugh has been invited to be a judge at next year's Miss America pageant. Man, are they desperate for ratings or what?
A 7-point-9 earthquake has shaken American Samoa causing tsunami warnings for Hawaii.
Disney is offering a free day's admission to 1 million guests who complete a day of volunteer work next year.
TLC's "Jon & Kate Plus 8" will soon be simply "Kate Plus Eight."
DJ AM died accidentally from a lethal cocktail of prescription drugs and cocaine, the medical examiner's office ruled today.
Right wing mobsters and extremists rejoice- Obama's personal job approval and health care popularity/support has dipped below 50%.
Well, other than that, nothing else is going on. What’s up with you?
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