This isn't just some right winged FOX News kinda thing. This isn't a Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck thing. This really isn't an anti Barack Obama thing. Remember the ACORN organization from the election last year? Check out THESE videos where ACORN officials out of Baltimore are encouraging and instructing someone (undercover) how to not only cheat on their taxes (which many people do but shouldn't), but how to GET AWAY WITH IMPORTING UNDER AGE CHILDREN FOR PROSTITUTION.
ACORN is a shady organization at best. Much like some of the banking and financial organizations both Republicans and Democrats are in bed with, they were influential in getting Obama elected. Which is normally a good thing in my opinion, I believe not ENOUGH people vote nowadays. Unfortunately some of those who vote are truly clueless (that's another blog.
Take Obama's speech to the kids. I saw nothing wrong with it after reading the text. Look at other speeches to school kids from presidents back from the 40's. Obama was criticised for no reason in my opinion. It's a shame because it detracts from any legitimate concerns and issues about his policies and such.
This is a good example of how things are perceived in today's society. Just because Beck or Limbaugh or Fox News broadcasts the ACORN incident (and the like), it's considered racist hatred and biased right wing nonsense. Either Bush or Obama could come up with a cure for cancer and SOMEONE will always be there to discredit their accomplishments or to report 'ulterior' motives. There is such a distrust nowadays. And rightly so, in my opinion. It healthy to question authority to a point in my opinion, but not to the point of McCarthyism.
What are we gonna do as a nation- just sit by and hope things change on their own?
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