Happy Thursday! It's actually my FRIDAY for the work week as it's my weekend off. I'm taking Columbus Day off (Monday) as well. Only because a co worker needs next Thursday off and she is working for me Monday.
I'm going to a retina specialist Friday afternoon to discuss a hemorrhage in the back of my left eye. I'm not exactly sure how I got it or if the damage is permanent; but it HAS made reading stuff and working a heck of a lot more of a challenge. I'm also going to my diabetes doctor later that afternoon.
I am REALLY loving my new Blackberry phone. I can now manage my bank accounts and my fantasy football/baseball teams. I am a 7 year old with a new toy. Since my phone is 'wi-fi' enabled, whenever I'm at home or at ANY place with wireless internet, I can log into it and make all the calls I want for free- NOT counting against my monthly minutes restriction. So the extra $24/month the 'Blackberry Plan' will cost me is now enabling me to shave $30 off my bill; by reducing my monthly minute allotment. PLUS it really picks up much better than my 'welfare' 2005 low-end motorola.
It's kinda slow today on the internet....
NASA will start broadcasting the ‘crash into the moon’ event live on NASA TV at 6:30 a.m. EDT (1030 GMT) Friday morning. The first impact is set for 7:31 a.m. EDT (1131 GMT
Levi Johnston is going for the ultimate exposure — the 19-year-old father of Sarah Palin's grandchild will pose nude for Playgirl.
President Barack Obama said Wednesday he planned to nominate an openly gay lawyer as the U.S. ambassador to New Zealand and Samoa. The recently nearly destroyed by a typhoon Samoa..
Writer/director Gary Ross, currently rewriting "Spider-Man 4," is in discussions with Columbia Pictures to write and direct a feature film version of "Venom," spinning off from the previous "Spider-Man" film.
Michael Jordan is causing controversy playing in a charity golf tournament in San Fransisco. He's smoking cigars on the course!!!
As the first wave of swine flu vaccine crosses the country, more than a third of parents don't want their kids vaccinated, according to an Associated Press poll.
Want more poll news? Here ya go..According to a Marist College poll, The popular slacker term "whatever" easily beat out "you know as the "most annoying in conversation" by 47 percent of Americans surveyed
Another survey found 64 percent of voters disapproving of the way Republicans in Congress are doing their jobs, with 25 percent approving. The performance of Democratic lawmakers was disapproved of by 56 percent, with 33 expressing approval. For the party in general, 46 percent expressed disapproval, 38 percent approval. Voters disapproved of the way Obama was handling health care, 51 percent to 41 percent.
Rush Limbaugh and a financial partner are trying to buy the St Louis Rams for about $89 million.
Football coach Urban Meyer, of the University of Florida Mastergators, is being coy about QB Tim Tebow's start this weekend. He's coming off a concussion injury 2 weeks ago. He calls Tebow's return a 'game time decision'. Yawn....
Brian Setzer has a new CD - "Songs From Lonely Avenue".
Can't wait to check out the new KISS CD tonight- WHOO-HOO!!
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