This screen grab released by MTV Canada shows Aliya-Jasmine Sovani in a scene from public service announcement for Toronto's annual Boobyball party to benefit the charity Rethink Breast Cancer
Back to work for me today. NOT looking forward to a 4-day work week ahead – this Thursday thru Sunday. Nothing much has been going on. Just sleepy from the lack of sleep this morning between 1:30am and when my alarm went off for work.
Here’s some interesting things I’ve seen on the internet this morning and this afternoon..
In North Carolina, the FBI has begun using facial-recognition technology on millions of motorists, comparing driver's license photos with pictures of convicts in a high-tech analysis of chin widths and nose sizes in its search for fugitives.
The oldest female athlete at the World Masters Games in Sydney has broken a world record in the shot put -- at the age of 100. Her 4.07 meter (13 ft 4.2 in) throw on Sunday didn't just win her gold, but also broke a world record.
The senate is voting on the Democratic health care bill today.
In Michael Jackson news, hours after the pop singer's first posthumous single "This Is It" was released amid great hype on Monday, it emerged that the tune had been recorded 18 years ago by an obscure Puerto Rican singer. Moreover the co-author of that tune, "My Way" songwriter Paul Anka, threatened to sue Jackson's estate for proper credit and his share of royalties. The administrators of the estate quickly acknowledged Anka's claims and granted him 50 percent of the copyright, a potentially massive payday for the 68-year-old Canadian crooner. And an equally massive loss for the estate.
To me this is a red flag. Sam Raimi spoke with MTV News about the fourth film. As each film has examined Peter Parker's emerging sense of responsibility, the director says the film will be about "the growth of that understanding, that it encompasses more than just his sense of duty toward others but he also has a sense of responsibility as a human being toward the ones he loves."
In other comic book news, Eliza Dushku discussed the "Internet fantasy" of the Wonder Woman film with MTV News. While the actress has no particular interest in the role, she wouldn't mind trying out for the part if the film ever approaches being a reality.
Bryan Singer has talked with 20th Century Fox about returning to the "X-Men" franchise. "I'm still looking to possibly returning to the 'X-Men' franchise. I've been talking to Fox about it," says Singer. While this would be the "X-Men 4" mentioned a couple of weeks ago or one of the other spin-offs is unknown. Singer develops many projects simultaneously, so no guarantee even successful talks would lead to a new Singer "X-Men" film within the next five years.
And finally, Font Bureau Inc. of Boston, is suing NBC Universal Inc. for $2 million, claiming trademark infringement for unauthorized use of three typefonts. Font Bureau alleges the broadcaster bought one software license yet widely distributed unauthorized copies of three fonts: Bureau Grotesque, Interstate and Antenna. The type designs are used in such highly visible programs as "Late Night with Jimmy Fallon," "Saturday Night Live," and "The Jay Leno Show."
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