Call it naivite. at the time, I was a memner of Amnesty International and a fervent anti-Reagsn protester. I really believed at the time one person united with others could change the world. I'm 44 years old now and no longer belive such things.
On this day 25 years ago, be it all too brief, we actually did.
Godamn hippie! LOL, JK. I've always liked Reagan, even when I served under him (and 2 other presidents).
ReplyDeleteBut oh, the innocence of youth lost. You get jaded as you get older when reality kicks in or should I say a decade of settling down. I still believe that a small group or even one person can make a difference at the right time and place. But changing the world? This planet? Oh no, nope. Ain't gonna happen. Well, unless you're an Islamic Terrorist with a suitcase nuke.