Just saw Batman: Under The Red Hood (available tomorrow, as I write this, July 27th) This one's definitely worth getting. Much better than the previous Batman related or DC /Marvel comic releases.There's no cool manga or anime, no realistic CGI effects here, just a well done, quality toon. To me, Batman: Under The Red Hood is the best animated DC picture I've ever seen. Regardless of how this film succeeds or is recieved, the animation raises the bar (to borrow a cliche) for all animated comics films after it.
Some points I observed in it:
Everyone's got that squared, sharp edged jaw look.
This is a different Joker than ever presented in animation. The Joker looks muscle-y, and kinda old.
Not totally digging the John DiMaggio (Bender in Futurama, Aquaman/Grodd/Black Adam in Batman: Brave and the Bold)voice for the Joker, but it is overall a good performance though I prefer the Mark Hamill version. This Joker also has a Heath Ledger flavor to him. Many other guests stars voicing this film. Bruce Greenwood did a great Batman voice, though I'll always like Kevin Conroy's version. After listening to him do Nightwing, I'm beginning to wonder if there's anything Neil Patrick Harris CAN'T do.
The opening "Death In The FamilY" scenes are not drawn like they were in the original story. Which is good. The art is updated.
A slight problem for me was the portrayal of the beat down. Though Robin was being severely beaten, he rarely uttered more than a grunt. Also, not enough blood for what happened.
The so-called "big reveal" hap pends in the middle of the movie.
All of the characters were well done in every aspect. A few surprises are in store.
There were liberties taken with the story (obviously), but overall, the movie moved along VERY well and is interesting. And of course, there are a few predictable situations. There are also some very comic book things that happen that I was pleased with.
It ended well too, in my opinion.
Overall, again, The best animated DC picture I've ever seen. Well done DC.
BTW- I read where at ComicCon this year, it was announced that the G4 TV network was gonna air 4 Marvel anime shows during the next 12 months.
Did you guys see the Samuel L Jackson introducing the actors who will star in 'The Avengers"? There may be a YouTube video out there. There's a video where Ryan Reynolds says the Green Lantern mantra for a little kid.
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