Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Barry Soetorro Emails

Just as when Bill Clinton and George Bush were President, I get emails from well intentioned people wanting to make me aware of "the secrets and lies" of President Barrack Obama.

I think there are a lot of well-intentioned people who love the USA and see how things are going, don’t like it. These people often unite and will write, say, or do ANYTHING to fight back or try to get others to see or identify with their misery or pain in an effort to “right the wrong”. In an overwhelmingly majority of these cases, they take truths, half- truths, plausible facts, and even lies and misinformation for whatever reason to suite themselves or their cause.

All this is done, passed around, etc. instead of affecting REAL change or really DOING anything about what is “wrong”. People feel so helpless and will take on these truthful sounding theories, warnings, etc. These people don’t understand that if they use HALFthe effort they use to obsess over something or get together to discuss and perpetuate these types of well-intended misinformation, then perhaps they themselves would be a little happier and their satisfaction or happiness would come from THATthan smearing whoever’s president at the time.

As to the Barry Soetorro emails, well Barry Soetorro definitely is/was/’temporarily aint’ his real name. Most anti Barrack email’s facts twists the truths differently than other Obama hate emails. Some are better written than others, actually. See ( But like all good fairy tales and campfire stories, they are based on truths and facts.

My question is, so what? ‘You can’t get the horse shit back into the horse’. Where do we go from here?

If Barry held a press conference and stated, “Yep, I ain’t ‘merican. Good bye!” and left, where would we be?

It would take YEARS to legally undo everything he has so far in his short presidency signed into legislation or law. Joe Biden would take over and simply re-sign the legislation after it was re-passed (passed again? LOL!) by the same folks who passed it (the House and Senate).

Most importantly, what is the alternative to what we now have? Are the current Republicans vying for the oval office really any different than what we have now?

But never mind the reality of things. Let’s just all keep on complaining about gas, food, healthcare, our government, etc while not really doing anything about it. Waking up when the house is on fire is not a good time to decide to fire-proof the house.

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