I feel kinda weird writing " Happy Good Friday", however, knwoing the end of the story I believe, it's OK. I hope you guys have a great Easter weekend. Check out THIS video that is a very humorous look at Easter - unfortunately by an admitted atheist and one of my favorite comedians. - http://youtu.be/_XJfRzNOJNE
When I get a chance, I listen to as much left leaning rhetoric as possible. The Stepahnie Miller Show is TV's newest entry- http://www.stephaniemiller.com/. Stephanie Miller, billed as a sexy liberal, at least is easy to look at while she and the fawning, seemingly well educated and even sometimes humorous males shake their heads in agreement sputing their terse anti-right quips. I sometimes watch the "Free Speech" network - https://www.freespeech.org/. Basically TV friendly NPR rejects attempting to be a left leaning version of Fox News. I do not believe Keith Olberman's departure from Current TV will be the end of the network as many think. Though Al Gore's broadcast company was in trouble before the Olberman incident. Real Time w/ Bill Maher does make me think a little. Though I probably disagree with his anti-religion, anti right/Republican rants, he brings some interesting points to the table and isn't afraid t0 bash the left at times.. Like me, he seems to be an equal opportunity offender when twisting his view of the world.
The right's latest lament is the recent finding's concerning a General Services Administration training conference in October 2010 at the M Resort Spa Casino outside Las Vegas that was precluded with $100k exploratory trips to see if they (the GSA) can have their lavish meeting. Folk's, I can recall these types of lavish government waste since I became aware of things in the 70's by BOTH parties. These types of stories are plentiful within both the Democratic and Republican parties.
The right's "holier-than-thou" outcries and too numerous blogs, editorial opinions, news stories, and countless hours speaking their anti-Obama rhetoric are laughable. Laughable because that's all those on the right do. They launch really good ideas- The Reform Party (Ross Perot)- the Contract with America in the mid 90's, and the Tea Party a few years ago. These great ideas inspire many before eventually losing steam or becoming corrupt or not exactly what they seem to be. Usually in the end, they disenfranchise those who supported them and leave their remnants disillusioned. Yet we hear each and every Presidential election how important and critical the upcoming election is. Isn't each one critical regardless of who's running? I'm not looking forward to Obama vs Romney.
Trayvon madness continues. Dick Durbin is chairing a hearing on racial profiling in America to be held on Tuesday, April 17, 2012 at 10:00am ET. Stories of anti white attacks are emerging much like they tend to do.
The world, once again is doomed. Click HERE.
As bad as things are for us economically and seemingly socially, I do not believe all is lost. I believe we will recover. Perhaps not as quickly or as much as I'd like, but I believe what I love and like about the USA will prevail. Not in a faux, hokey, if anything has 'USA" or "God" in it it MUST be 'good and right' kind of way.. Know what I mean?
What say you?
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