Monday, April 2, 2012

Not REALLY About Trayvon, But....

Whatever happened down there in Florida resulting in Trayvon Martin dying is very tragic. Tragic for Mr Martin and tragic even for Mr Zimmerman, Obviously preventable regardless of which side you're on.  To me it's sad that there are even sides to begin with in this case- and any other case. Obvious and devastating things about how  the lies and embellished facts and pictures from both sides in the case are now coming to light. My opinion is that we may never know what actually happened down there other than this teen dying from a gunshot wound. The circumstances surrounding the shooting and being lied about and Mr. Martin and Mr. Zimmerman are being tried and convicted in the media by well meaning people who will resort to lying and enhancing facts so much that they become the opposite of that they intend them to be, thus discrediting any validity they have.

Why are we as a nation so eager to label each other or put each other in a certain group? Why does either side of an argument go to extremes by lying or distorting half truths to make their point or support their point of view? Be it Trayvon Martin or infighting within the Republican Party and Democratic Party. minority races and Caucasians, US citizens and non US citizens, Churches and non churches, religions and non religions, guns and non-guns, heterosexuals and homosexuals, rich and poor, Team Jacob and Team Edward.

OK, I HAD to insert some absurdity into the absurd. Or at least what I believe is absurdity. It seems that thanks to the instantaneous atmosphere that is the 24/7 internet and smartphone Twitter and facebook thingees- news and it's inaccuracies and accuracies can flow to millions at the tough of a button. Sting sings in "If I Ever Lose My Faith In You"

" I never saw no miracle of science
That didn't go from a blessing to a curse.."

I'm not that pessimistic, however, I can see the point. I personally believe we have to anticipate "the negative' or bad in anything we do and learn to overcome or endure it. What have we become as a nation - as a society to succumb to this knee jerk type of reactions or to lie embellish facts to support our views?

There are a few other bloggers or opinion writers out there who are beginning to write about this -in regards to the Trayvon Martin case. The media for the most part gets a bad wrap as being either too "left" or too "right". Both sides argue their points and have very valid points and evidence to support their claims. There's an inherent problem with info being so readily sent and consumed. I heard an old man at a cafe put it best.,,

"You can't get the crap back into the horse."

A very interesting observation is that when these so called embellished facts or truths come out as such- or worse yet lies and untruths- their either ignored or dismissed as something the "other side" has presented or released to counter their truth or facts. It's an endless circle.

Worse yet, you have people who cling to how "middle" or "neutral" they are on everything from God to Trayvon Martin to politics to religion. I see these people as just as bad as those purveyors or false info or false truth as they seem to play both sides to me. They're too afraid to substantiate their belief in something or anyone, so they run to some intellectual middle ground to avoid unpleasantness or perception they believe as they do- just to hedge their bets I suppose.

So what do we do? What can we do? What should we do, if anything? I suppose it's just one of those things that we personally can do as we can only control things in our little world or our littel world's collectively.

What say you?

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